Boris Johnson sets his red lines at Brexit dinner in the last ditch | Brexit

Boris Johnson one of his red lines Proxy Attend a dinner in Brussels after EU leaders told their parliamentarians that the talks were “on a vertical path”.

Surrounded by his chief negotiator and senior aides, the prime minister told European Commission President Ursula van der Leyen and the camp’s chief negotiator Michael Barnier that the terms of an agreement linking Britain to EU rules could not be accepted.

As he described his position on the three-course meal at the Commission’s Berlemont headquarters, EU circles said they planned to release its unconstitutional contingency plans “very soon” to fly planes and secure borders. Negotiations are irreversibly collapsing.

“We have no agreement at this time,” Michael Martin, the Irish deacon, told the Irish parliament the previous day. “Principals need to see how they are [Johnson and Von der Leyen] The situation can be restored in their talks this evening. ”

The Prime Minister arrived at the Commission’s headquarters just after 8pm local time, where he posed for a picture with Van der Leyen. The two officers, along with more officers, were then seated for dinner.

When Van der Leyen and Johnson met, the commission chairman suggested: “Keep it up [your] Distance. “Ursula, you are running a tight ship here,” Johnson replied.

The 27 EU heads of state and government will meet on Thursday, with Von der Leyne likely to renew them on the talks. Sources said the leaders would not engage in a debate and did not want to take any decision on Brexit during the two-day summit. Negotiations between Frost and Barnier could resume on Thursday at a successful dinner, UK sources said.

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Amid growing fears of an economic and security catastrophe as the Brexit transition period of three weeks draws to a close, the effect of dinner on EU capitals is anxiously awaited.

In Bundestag, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said her government was ready to collapse talks if Downing Street continued to reject the EU’s approach. “If there are conditions that we cannot accept from the British side, we will go our own way without an exit agreement,” he said. “Because one thing is for sure: the integrity of the single market must be maintained.”

The main obstacle is ensuring that while one side improves its quality at the request of the EU’s “evolution” or “ratchet” section, the other cannot enjoy competitive advantage.

R.A.F. “If our friends in the EU pass a new law now in the future, they want us to automatically have the right to punish and retaliate against us if we do not comply or follow this country,” he said.

“Secondly, they say, the UK is the only country in the world that does not have sovereignty over its fishing waters. I do not believe they are rules that any Prime Minister of this country should accept.”

The interpretation of the EU’s negotiating demands was rejected in Brussels, prompting Johnson to establish a “straw man” argument in favor of a compromise that could sell his Brexit backbone. “I do not recognize it, it does not ring a bell,” said a senior EU ambassador. “I don’t know what he means. Let’s just leave it at that.”

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Merkel told German parliamentarians that the European Union, with its “evolutionary” division, is currently trying to manage the inevitable difference in shared environmental, social and labor standards.

He said: “We currently have more or less the same legal system, a compatible legal system, but for many years the legal systems have been different everywhere, in environmental law, labor law, health law.

“For this we need to find agreements on how each party can act when they change their legal position. Otherwise there will be unfair competition conditions and we will not be able to do that for our companies.

David Frost, the UK’s chief negotiator, agreed to deviate from a common basic standard at the end of the Middle Ages.

But EU negotiators want a forum for discussion when the current minimum standards are out of date due to one-page improvements. If the other drags its feet in agreeing to the new “level playground” of minimum standards, there will be the possibility of the arbitrator and one side backtracking with customs or other corrective action. Downing Street fears this could mean alignment of standards through the back door.

A senior EU ambassador said: “Ursula van der Leyen knows how far he can go. She knows what red lines are, and she knows we are within millimeters of them. What we believe is that Boris Johnson is coming up with a real, energetic movement that will allow the negotiations to continue. Truth be told, we’re looking forward to this evening, and Ursula van der Leyen will say whether or not Barnier can return to work. Our tax has not changed, will not change after the referendum: If you want to access a single market, you have obligations to fulfill. ”

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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