Boyacá disavowed in projects to promote science, technology and innovation # Tolditos7días

Boyacá disavowed in projects to promote science, technology and innovation # Tolditos7días
Boyacá was acquitted in projects to promote science, technology and innovation # Tolditos7días 1

At the latest session of the Collective Authority for Management and Decision (OCAD) for Science, Technology and Innovation (CTeI), 97,012 million pesos of the General System of Royalties (SGR) were approved for the implementation of 26 investment projects under the public, open and competitive calls managed by the Ministry of Science.

SGR-certified resources for CTeI affect the regions of the country in the following way: Seven projects amounting to $34,319 million from SGR-CTeI for the administrations of Atlantico ($3,900 million), Bolivar ($5,350 million), Cesar ($4454 million) and Cordoba (5,885 million dollars), La Guajira ($5,630 million), Magdalena ($4,800 million) and Sucre ($4,300 million).

Coffee District: Two projects for $4,943 million for the departments of Antioquia ($3203 million) and Quindio ($1,740 million). Pacific: Four projects for $10,477 million for Cauca ($2.111 million) and Choco ($4,613 million). Valle del Cauca ($3753 million, 2 projects).

Llanos: Three projects for $23.931 million for the provinces of Guaviare ($1116 million), Meta ($2480 million) and Meta/Arauca ($20,335 million). South Center: Four projects for $10,315 million for Caqueta ($2789 million), Putumayo ($2,426 million) and Tolima ($5,100 million, two projects).

Middle East: Six projects worth $1,328 million for Bogotá ($1,997 million, two projects), Cundinamarca ($3,296 million), Norte de Santander ($4,390 million) and Santander ($3,345 million, two projects).

As you can see, Boyacá received zero chicks, and zero eggs…

See also  Filmus: "Science and technology workers will gradually recover their salaries" | Bariloche Opinions

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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