“Canillo” called Rene so that J Balvin wouldn’t go out with Terraira

“Canillo” called Rene so that J Balvin wouldn’t go out with Terraira

While the video in which Residente criticizes J Balvin with everything continues to accumulate more opinions and comments in public opinion, the desire to know more inside details for fans comes true because Puerto Rican himself gave an interview in which he talked about everything.

in conversation with slugs tv in youtube, Rene Perez For several minutes, he spoke about his fight with his Colombian colleague, which can be considered the topic of the moment on social networks and in many Latin American countries.

There it became known that Mexican boxer Saul Alvarez got into the middle of the discussion with the aim of calming the air and thus preventing anyone from being harmed by everything that was said on the Internet and in the media.

“Canillo” Alvarez Interside by J Balvin

Several months ago, before the song went viral, a very upset resident admitted that several people called him on behalf of J Balvin in order to calm the mood and not release the above song.

One of those who picked up the phone to prevent the escalation of the dispute between the artists is Canelo Alvareza friend of the Colombian.

according to what Former singer of Cali 13He is a huge boxing fan, and he immediately replied, considering that many people on that day were calling him and ignoring them.

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Speaking to the Mexican, Resident calms down and lets everything happen, but the future behavior of Balvin and his family makes Central Americans very uneasy.

“I didn’t want to pick up the phone until Canelo Alvarez called me. I’m a boxing fan and I was going to train with him the next day. He told me to talk to him (Balvin) because he’s sad about it.”commented.

Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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