Chiloé Science Seasons invites you to discover unique aspects of the native forest and learn about marine toxins

Chiloé Science Seasons invites you to discover unique aspects of the native forest and learn about marine toxins

Natalia Carrasco explains that the main goal of Science Temporary is for everyone to know, learn and reside in the Chiloe Archipelago.

Learn about the remote and unknown forests of the small islands of the Chiloe Archipelago, understand the harm that irresponsible pet ownership causes to the local fauna, learn about the use of plants in traditional basket making with the case of Quilineja and learn about the various toxins found in the Chiloe Sea, are the topics that will be presented in The seventh edition of the Chiloe Science Timer, talks science on the natural ecosystems of Chiloe and southern Chile.

Every Wednesday in July, 7:00 p.m., via Facebook Live /Temporalesdecienciadechiloé, those who communicate will be able to learn from exhibitors and interesting topics. Temporales is organized by the Institute of Forestry (INFOR), a body attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, sponsored by the Castro Municipal Library, Castro Municipality, Explora Los Lagos, Trasfoco, Austral University of Chile, Puerto Montt headquarters and CienciaenChile Support.

This is almost the second edition of the Chiloé Science Temporary being carried out, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. INFOR Research Associate and Initiative Coordinator, Natalia Carrasco Farias, commented on the importance of bringing science together with aspects of the indigenous forest in the south of the country and invited her to participate in each talk, but also to visit the social networks of Temporales de Ciencia de Chiloé, since every Monday and Friday in July, they will be able to watch scientific audiovisual capsules co-produced with Explora Los Lagos and Trasfoco. “Thus, science is not just something that stays in a scientific article, but something that can be seen, heard, understood and shared,” said the INFOR researcher.

“This is why we maintain our flag streak with regional relevance. The invitation is not only for those of us who live in this sector of Chile, but for all those interested in the South, to join us on this journey of the latest research being done here, and to shape their views with source information The first., based on the data, is something that is increasingly important in the times when fake news reaches us everywhere.”

Storm 1 rains Wednesday, July 7 at 7:00 p.m. with INFOR researcher, Jan Bannister Heep, and her topic: “Unknown Forests of the Smaller Chiloe Islands: Learn the Value.”

On Wednesday, July 14, it will be Eduardo Silva Rodriguez, of the University of Austral in Chile, who will talk about “Your Dog in Your Home: Understanding the Relationship Between Good Pet Care and the Future of the Pudu and the Chilote Fox.”

Meanwhile, the third conversation will bring us closer to the importance of non-timber forest products (NFP) with INFOR researcher, Juana Palma Martinez, who will introduce us to all the details and significance of “Quilineja, the roots woven into Chiloé”.

Finally, closing talk for the seventh edition of Los Temporales de Ciencia de Chiloé by Daniel Carrasco Palma, of the UChile Marine Toxin Laboratory, who will brief us on “Marine Toxins in the Seas of Chiloé”.

The last activity will take place on July 24 and include a workshop on “Photography and Science Dissemination”, an activity that Trasfoco, a mobile audiovisual and imaging school, will offer, free of charge.

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Izer Hector

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