CNE Announces Their Numerical Results Confirm Their Winning Round Two Guillermo Lasso | Politics News

CNE Announces Their Numerical Results Confirm Their Winning Round Two Guillermo Lasso |  Politics  News

A total of 4 6 656 426 (52.36%) voters supported the presidential dualism of the CREO-PSC coalition, which supported Guillermo Lasso and Alfredo Borrero.

Unanimously, that is, by the votes of five members of the National Electoral Council, the report of the final results of the second round of the presidential and vice presidential elections was approved on Sunday morning, By doing so, it announces the total numerical results for April 11, which confirms Guillermo Lasso and Alfredo Borrero as President and Vice President of Ecuador, with 52.36% of the vote.

The National Electoral Council finished checking the minutes of the meeting of the President and Vice President with 100%

The report was approved and the numerical results announced once the plenary session of the National Electoral Council learned of the electoral numerical results of the authorities of Morona, Santiago, Bastaza, the United States and Canada. Europe, Asia, Oceania and Latin America, Caribbean and Africa. Reading these statements, while the national general public was still under scrutiny, had no notice on the part of managers.

Since there are no pending appeals to be resolved, a reading of the final report of the results of the dignity of the President and Vice President revealed that 4’656.426 (52.36%) of the electorate supported Laso’s candidacy; While Arouz supported him by 4’236515 (47.64%).

In this second electoral round, a total of 174,349 (1.61%) of the white votes and 1,761,433 (16.26%) of the vote were counted. void. A total of 13-107457 voters were registered, 39,985 voting reception boards were enabled and a total voter number of 10,829,823 voters was proven.

England National Council Vice President, Enrique Pitta, confirmed this with 100% of the results Electoral results obtained in the records examined at the national level Abroad, an important step has been made in Ecuador’s democratic life. “It has been proven that we are a fair society that respects honor, dignity and democratic principles.”

Pita confirmed that 2.03% more citizens attended to vote on Election Day on April 11th and that “only” it was there 6.72% increase in invalid votes in this second The electoral round in relation to the first round, which was held on February 7th.

From the results of the Canadian National Council plenary session on Sunday morning, it was noted that in Morona, Santiago, Bastaza, the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa Vote for Guillermo Lasso 69.21%, 73.37%, 53.27% and 53.35%, respectively.

In contrast, only Corista’s candidate Andres Arause received the majority of votes in the electoral states of Europe, Asia and Oceania. There, Arause surpassed the Lasso with 63.59% of the vote to 36.41%.

Absenteeism was “slight” in the second round of presidential elections

Chancellor Estella Acero explained that the two political organizations announced this once Results, they can take advantage of the resources outlined in the blog Democracy. “This electoral process was clean and transparent, and the will of the Ecuadorian people, which they expressed at the ballot box, was respected.”

For his part, Counselor Luis Verdesuto clarified that once these results are delivered, regardless of the sources of legal proceedings that appear, the CNE has completed its work, regarding To “assemble the will of Ecuadorians”.

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“This time the main character is no longer ours and becomes belonging to and from those who have been elected He was elected President of Ecuador and the National Assembly. Thus ends the basic function of this collective body, ”Verdesuto noted. (I)

Aygen Marsh

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