Condemnations grow against Maduro's dictatorship: Colombia and Brazil express concerns over elections in Venezuela

Condemnations grow against Maduro's dictatorship: Colombia and Brazil express concerns over elections in Venezuela
Dictator Maduro once again organizes elections tailored to his needs (Reuters/Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)

More and more voices are rising against the new electoral process tainted by irregularities in Venezuela. This Tuesday The governments of Colombia and Brazil, which are close to the regime of Nicolas Maduro, expressed their concern about the development of the electoral process in the Caribbean country.

The government of Gustavo Petro expressed its concern about the difficulties faced by the Venezuelan opposition in registering its candidates for the presidential elections scheduled for next July 28.

“Colombia expresses its concern about the recent events that occurred on the occasion of the registration of some presidential candidates, in particular with regard to Difficulties faced by majority opposition sectors such as the Unitary Democratic Platform (PUD) and the Vente Venezuela Movement, among others.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

For the government of Colombia, one of the main allies of the Chavez regime, These decisions may affect the confidence of some sectors of the international community in the transparency and competitiveness of the electoral process. Which will culminate in the presidential elections on July 28.”

The National Unity Party, Venezuela's main opposition coalition, on Monday denounced its inability to nominate historian Corina Llores and rejected the fact that the National Electoral Council had not explained the reasons.

Petro's government is one of the most prominent allies of the Venezuelan regime in the regime (Europe Press)

“Nicolas Maduro did not allow the candidacy of the unitary candidacy. “We were never allowed to access the application system.”the PUD indicated in a message published at X after 00:00 local time (4:00 GMT), at the end of the registration period.

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However, the person who managed to register at the last minute was Manuel Rosales, the current governor of Zulia state, who will appear in the elections as a candidate for the Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) party. Amid the controversy surrounding her registration, María Corina Machado on Tuesday was forceful when asked if she supported any of the registered candidates: “My candidate is still Corina Llores.”

In this sense, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed today that it has conducted “continuous contacts” and made the necessary arrangements “through official and informal diplomatic channels.” “To call on the parties in Venezuela” to comply with the provisions of the Barbados Agreement.

The reference refers to the agreement reached last October between the Maduro regime and the opposition, according to which the United States lifted some sanctions imposed on Caracas.

After the controversial registration of Manuel Rosales, María Corina Machado confirmed that her candidate for the election is still Corina Llores (EFE/Miguel Gutierrez)

“Colombia reaffirms its absolute respect for the sovereignty and autonomy of the Venezuelan people (…) At the same time, It reaffirms the necessity of holding a free, fair and competitive presidential election process in VenezuelaThe information added that citizen participation is enhanced through voting as a mechanism for democratic expression.

The government, whose various sectors have been urging it for weeks to reject what happened in Venezuela, also called for “political and electoral guarantees for all political actors equally,” because this constitutes “a fundamental axis within the framework of democracy.”

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He concluded that “Colombia will continue to offer its good offices if requested to continue strengthening efforts through covert and discreet diplomatic channels that allow the preservation of an environment conducive to the realization of the proposed and agreed-upon democratic solutions achieved by the Venezuelans themselves.” Chancellery.

After the publication of the statement of the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Venezuelan dictatorship accused Petro's government of “blatant interference” in the electoral process.

“Driven by the need to satisfy US State Department designs“The Colombian Foreign Ministry is taking a false step and committing an act of gross interference in affairs that concern only Venezuelans,” the Chavista Foreign Minister wrote on social networks. Evan Gil.

For its part, the Brazilian government also expressed its “concern” about the development of the electoral process in Venezuela and stressed that “obstacles” to registering Corina Llores’ candidacy “It is not consistent with the Barbados Agreements.”

Lula da Silva has been very close to dictator Maduro since his return to power in Venezuela (Reuters/Osley Marcelino)

A memo issued said: “Based on the information available, it was noted that the candidate referred to by the Unionist Platform, an opposition political force, who was not affected by judicial rulings, was prevented from registering, which is not consistent with the Barbados Agreements.” By the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He also reiterated that “Brazil is ready, in cooperation with the international community, to cooperate so that the (electoral) lawsuit announced on July 28 constitutes a firm step towards returning political life to normal and strengthening democracy in Venezuela.” Likewise, he insists that the Brazilian government “disavow” “any kind of sanctions that, in addition to being illegal, only contribute to the isolation of Venezuela and increase the suffering of its people.”

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Chavista Foreign Minister Iván Gil also responded harshly to Lula's government. “The Ministry of Popular Power for Foreign Relations of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela denounces this Gray and overlapping statementHe added in a statement: “It was written by officials from the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and appears to have been dictated by the US State Department, making comments laden with profound ignorance and ignorance of the political reality in Venezuela.”

He adds: “The Venezuelan government has maintained a conduct loyal to the principles governing diplomacy and friendly relations with Brazil, and under no circumstances does it, and will not, make value judgments regarding the political and judicial processes taking place in that country,” and, therefore, it has the ethics that make it “It demands strict respect for the principle of non-interference in internal affairs and for our democracy, one of the strongest in the region.”

Foreign Minister Gil confirmed in the text that Venezuela would hold the elections “without interference or protection from any foreign power,” and although he rejected the Brazilian Foreign Ministry’s statement, he thanked President Lula for his condemnation of the blockade and the sanctions imposed. By the United States of the Maduro dictatorship.

(With information from EFE)

Aygen Marsh

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