Copade offers a free and free public workspace in Neuquén

Copade offers a free and free public workspace in Neuquén

The Neuquen Council for Planning and Development (Copade) has opened the first “co-working space” (co-working) with free and open access to the public in the provincial capital, the Neuquen government said.

The space will operate Monday through Friday from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm and is intended for members of civil society organizations, young professionals, entrepreneurs, university students as well as researchers from universities and the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research. (conical).

The proposal makes the county planning agency’s workspaces and computers available to citizens, with the goal of creating opportunities for professional, academic and professional development.

The shared office consists of eight workstations with computers with Internet access and access to the bibliographic resources of the Agency’s Center for Scientific and Technical Documentation, as well as a breastfeeding room for nursing mothers.

The President of Copade, Pablo Gutiérrez Culantuono explained that “it is about a new way of thinking and the use of public spaces and their relationship to citizens, opening the doors of public offices to the community, to participating in the construction of a regional network of common spaces and tools for action”.

“In this way, it seeks to contribute to reducing the digital divide, promoting the completion of university studies, developing employability and self-employment skills, and strengthening the entrepreneurship sector and its networks,” he said.

Copade has made available an email for inquiries from those interested in using this new business tool, namely: [email protected] and also provided the link For information on the rules for using the common space.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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