Cubans protest alone in the middle of the street in Bauta: “Let us not endure any more misery”

Cubans protest alone in the middle of the street in Bauta: “Let us not endure any more misery”

Kobe held a lone protest on Thursday in the middle of Bauta Street, asking the country’s population “not to endure any more misery.”

Unlike other protests in which people complain to the government, the young man directed his message to the Cubans themselves.

The protester, who was sitting on the garbage tank he had previously placed in the middle of the street, wondered “how long” would they continue to hold out.

He stressed: “You are crazy. These people (the government) are murderers, mentally ill, and fascists. They have made us stubborn and crazy. For how long?”

“Hey, that’s good gentlemen, no more misery, more work for pleasure, more deception, more family separation and more Cubans dying. Compare this dictatorship to other governments like Nicaragua and now Mexico. That’s good, your family is dying across the border.” He said: “To escape from this shit we live in.”

A neighbor approached him to try to convince him, but the man refused and said: “What, are you Agent Fernando? You are my friend, go ahead,” and continued his speech. Your protest security.

The video was posted on Wednesday on the Twitter account “@JaviXCubaLibre2” and on the Instagram account of influencer Eliécer Ávila, where many Cubans reacted.

A source said CyberCuba The event occurred yesterday afternoon in Bauta, Artemisa Province. No one joined the protest and traffic did not stop, and cars continued to pass cautiously.

“What an obvious crazy man,” “What he says is true, his stubbornness is justified but his loneliness is sad and touching,” “The best video with the wisest man I have seen in a long time,” were some of the comments on social networks.

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Aygen Marsh

"Certified introvert. Extreme coffee specialist. Total zombie defender. Booze fanatic. Web geek."

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