Curiositas, a children’s creative space

Curiositas, a children’s creative space

With a view to proposing new educational approaches and trying to enforce the cultural rights of children, even in confinement, Curiositas will start its activities soon.

In an interview with FDS, Alejandra Guerrero Funes commented that it is important for children to have access to artistic appearances: dance, theater and literature with the potential to be creative, have fun and participate in and have a space where they can hear their voices.

This series of sessions targets children from the ages of six to twelve, initially, and then a group is opened for children from two to five years old. They can take one-on-one sessions or throughout the month.

“The purpose is to provide alternatives for the youngest at home, with activities that act as a central focus promoting reading, related to letter and philosophy for children.” But in addition to this, she will enter the musical stimulation sessions because the members of the Curiositas have received suggestions from mothers of preschoolers.

Activities will start next February 6, every Saturday directly at 12:00 or 17:00; Although there will also be recorded sessions to access. For online classes, materials will be provided in Pachuca and Mineral de la Reforma for those who wish to do so. Alejandra commented that this group is made up of three Hidalgo women: a violinist, a communicator, a material developer, and a cultural promoter, to spread creative reading and writing. Everyone, with a commitment to participate with children and promote their right to culture.


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Sarah Elizondo, Anna Pachuca

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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