Cyclists will have space to commute between the cantons of Montes de Oca and Curridabat

Cyclists will have space to commute between the cantons of Montes de Oca and Curridabat


February 04, 2021

Ciclovía was opened on Thursday

Karina Porras Diaz

[email protected]

From Thursday, bike users will have new space to commute between the cantons of Montes de Oca and Curridabat. It is a 4-kilometer cycle path that runs from Los Yoses to the La Granja neighborhood.

Last year both municipalities concluded the design of this infrastructure, which includes cyclist profile type, potential roads, and public transit stops.

Anna Lucia Gonzalez, Deputy Mayor of Montes de Oca Municipality, explained that this project seeks to encourage and promote urban cycling as a form of transportation.

Jimmy Cruz, Mayor of Corydapat, highlighted the importance of choosing other cantons at the state level to implement this type of space that allows the inclusion of all transportation.

This project has been funded by the European Union, which has an investment of about 478 thousand dollars. Construction of the first phase of this network began in 2020 and the second phase is expected to be developed in 2021.

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Izer Hector

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