Diaz is betting on science ‘to counter the green transformation of our core sector’

Diaz is betting on science ‘to counter the green transformation of our core sector’
Diaz is betting on science "Facing the green transformation of our primary sector".
Diaz is betting on science Facing the green transformation of our primary sector.

The Minister of Science and the University considers this “Science is the best ally to face the necessary green transformation of our basic sector.”. Maro DiazToday, he visited the experimental farm Garcibolera, where is he an appointment It investigates the achievement of climate-neutral farms, with better mud management, and to promote a circular economy and the livestock associated with the territory.

“Science is the best ally to face the necessary green transformation of the primary sector”

“Science is the best ally to face the necessary green transformation of the primary sector, and the research projects led by the Center for Agri-Food Technology and Research on this pilot farm in La Garcipollera are invited to provide solutions to the many challenges facing our producers »The Minister of Science, the University and the Knowledge Society, Maro Diaz, confirmed today during her visit this morning to these reference facilities in the world of research at the national and international levels.

The primary sector as an engine for development

The regional official defended this alliance as “the only way” So that the agriculture and livestock sector can continue “Economic and Social Engine in Rural Areas” And at the same time adapting to Global health and environmental demands. He advocated again to escape simplistic attitudes and to have the courage to listen to science, respect his time, and make policy accordingly.

“In Aragon we have the best researchers in the field of agri-food, thanks to a public reference center like CITA and to this pilot farm, working towards achieving climate neutral farms, better management of manure, and leading projects for progress in the circular economy and livestock connected to the territory”Highlights Diaz.

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The Chancellor was accompanied during her visit by the directors of research and administration at CITA, Lucia Soriano s Alberto Bernese, as well as the farm coordinator, Javier Ferrer. She has been able to learn from the hands of her responsible researchers the major projects, both intensive and intensive livestock, that she is currently working on.

Mud Management Projects

About mud management projects, Eve SmithA researcher in the Department of Agricultural Systems, Forestry and Environment, explained that she recently completed the project Arimeda’s life, where composting techniques were successfully developed using the liquid part of pig manure in Spain and digested in Italy to reduce ammonia emissions to the atmosphere when applied in the field as an organic fertilizer.

Diaz is betting on science "Facing the green transformation of our primary sector".

And it has progressed, with the new project Live Clinmed Farm The aim is to develop sustainable farm-scale slurry management models that are closer to the idea of ​​climate-neutral farms within the framework of Mediterranean agriculture.

Mitigating the environmental impact of the primary sector

“Development of mud and digester management techniques that reduce greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions, along with energy recovery strategies and efficient agricultural use of available nutrients, can help mitigate environmental impact and improve the sustainability of agricultural activity.”, has been highlighted.

To do this, simple and innovative technologies will be applied in the three main stages of mud management – warehouse production, storage and agricultural fertilization.

The goal is to mitigate methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions, recover methane generated in storage and valorize excess heat in bio-methane production processes as renewable energy sources for nearby farm or industrial activities and reduce mineral fertilizer consumption. All this is in accordance with the principles of circular economy and analysis of models from an environmental point of view, but also from a social and economic point of view.

Diaz is betting on science "Facing the green transformation of our primary sector".

for this part, Isabel Casas, researcher in the Department of Animal Sciences and Scientific Director of the farm, was responsible for detailing the extensive livestock projects implemented in La Garcipollera which revolve around three main business areas: improving animal production systems, improving the quality and marketing of products of animal origin, and finally analyzing the sustainability of the systems Agro-ecological.

Major research projects

Three major research projects with national and European funding are currently being developed. in a Jeninin coordination Alpina Sanz, The effects of feeding during pregnancy on the reproductive performance of cows and their offspring are analyzed.

Meanwhile, the project Adaptherdled Margalida JoyAdaptation of sheep flocks to different climate change scenarios. and in Gentor, Directed by Isabel Casas, the recent development patterns of Pyrenean beef production systems have been analyzed, as well as the characteristics of cattle that make them more efficient and more adaptable to different management.

These projects are developed both on the farm itself and with farmers from the different regions of Aragon, with great importance given to the transfer of results to the sector.

For his part, Alberto Bernois, Director of Research at CITA, expressed the importance of developing a circular economy in the research and food chains, starting with production.

In this regard, highlight it “Intensive livestock farming based on natural resources is compatible with the basic principles of a circular economy, using renewable solar energy determined by pastures, due to its low dependence on external inputs to activity (feed, fertilizers, pesticides, diesel, medicines, etc.) and its zero generation of waste which It can be used to increase soil fertility and sequester carbon from it ».

Diaz is betting on science "Facing the green transformation of our primary sector".

La Garcipollera Experimental Farm

La Garcipollera is a unique experimental farm in Spain due to its location, type of infrastructure or lines of business that currently has seven active projects, three of which are European.

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Since 1985 this farm has been dedicated to the study of agriculture and mountain livestock. Among its main objectives are the productive characterization of indigenous breeds of the Pyrenees, such as Parda de Montaña and Pirenaica cattle or the Churra Tensina sheep breed, as well as studies of environmental and management factors affecting the productivity of herds. In addition, traditional fruit varieties are also restored and differentiated.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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