Discover science in the kitchen with this virtual exhibition | News

Discover science in the kitchen with this virtual exhibition |  News

The purpose of this virtual exhibition “Science in the Kitchen” from Concytec is to show you the science that happens every day in your kitchen. Approach it in an easy and entertaining way, so that you will be amazed and have fun while learning.

Because in a sense, kitchen operations are science operations; The recipe will give us the method, we will ask questions and test hypotheses, experiments will be necessary – we will mix and match – looking for new flavors and new textures; And our results will be at best an addition to the good and delicious.

In 2019, about 94 thousand people managed to see this exhibition, which toured 4 cities: Lima, Arequipa, Trujillo and Tacna. right Now, In this free digital editionYou can enjoy this sample wherever you are and also share it with your family and friends.

“Science in the Kitchen” It will take you on a wonderful journey where we can naturally explain and understand things like eating and cooking, and we will realize that in the kitchen, as in a scientific lab, one question opens up an infinite amount of possibilities for investigation. It’s the best way to find answers and the experience is always better if you can eat it.

This guide is divided into three main themes: Food science, food science, and culinary science وعلم

1.- food scienceHere you will find information on the energy we all need to live. Humans turned wild plants into useful crops through artificial selection, which took place over many generations.

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Likewise, we domesticate animals and include their consumption in our daily diet. This domestication began slowly 9,500 years ago with wheat and lentils. In America, corn and potatoes were domesticated 8000 and 6000 years ago. Today the potato is the third most important food crop in the world.

2.- Eating you what you eat. The choice of our food, the different ways of preparing and consuming it, and even the importance and meaning we place on the act of eating, reveals many aspects of our societies and culture.

When we eat, we activate not only four muscles, but millions of neurons responsible for identifying smells, tastes and colors, and filtering them according to culturally learned selection. What is delicious for one culture may not be for another.

3.- culinary scienceAcross Peru there are very ancient preparations that we have learned at home in a very natural way that are passed down from generation to generation. In these exercises there is a lot of science to understand and explain what is happening; and technology to learn, teach, improve and reinvent its processes.

Find below the different foods typical of our gastronomy, which belong to different regions of the country and learn from them how the science works in each of these preparations.

The visitor can also download educational resources, discover interesting videos and even play games. You should just Enter here

In the Andean Agency.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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