Do the three most voted in the PLD have presidential projects for 2024?

Do the three most voted in the PLD have presidential projects for 2024?

Santo Domingo, RD.

Presidential aspirations were cited to the three most voted in the recent elections for the Dominican Liberation Party political committee, ahead of the 2024 elections.

The most voted candidate was Francisco Dominguez Preto, who was already a candidate for the presidency, although he did not win his party’s nomination; Gonzalo Castillo finished second and was the Democratic Liberation Party’s candidate in the 2020 elections, defeating the Purple Party.

Abel Martinez Duran is the mayor of Santiago, and although he has not announced his aspirations for the presidency, people close to the mayor have confirmed that they are working on a presidential project.

In fact, a billboard has been posted in Santiago saying “Whoever changes a city can change a country”, explicitly motivating their aspirations.

In the fourth elective place, Cristina Lizzardo, a senator from the province of Santo Domingo, was chosen and lost her seat to Antonio Taveras and the modern revolutionary party.

Lizzardo came from the position of Chair of the Coordinating Committee of the Jose Joaquin Bedo Conference.

Then followed Margarita Cedinio de Fernandez, who had been Vice President of the Republic for eight years in the administrations of Danilo Medina.

Sidinho has long commented on his interest in seeking the purple party’s presidential nomination, but he hasn’t announced it yet.

In the recent election contest, her fellow Democratic Liberation Party leaders warned that it was necessary to search for a third way because the two current methods, her husband Lionel Fernández and President Medina, meant a “lost loss.”

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She then confirmed that the city sector within the PLD had proposed to her husband, then PLD president, support Cedeño de Fernández as the sole candidate.

On this day, the movement elected its political committee members for the next four years. In the process, the current members who ran for office were re-elected, with the exception of Eduardo Salman.

Aygen Marsh

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