Donald Trump ‘considers Iran attack on nuclear site after US election defeat’

Donald Trump ‘considers Iran attack on nuclear site after US election defeat’

Mr Trump has spent four years of his presidency pursuing a policy of aggression against Iran. Returns in 2018 From Iran nuclear deal It was negotiated by his democratic predecessor Barack Obama and imposed sanctions against various Iranian targets.

In a new breach of nuclear power in 2015, the UN said that Iran had ended up moving the first layer of advanced centrifuges from an underground plant to an underground one at its main uranium enrichment site. The request for options came a day after the nuclear surveillance report showed up. Deal with key forces.

Iran’s 2.4 tonnes of low-enriched uranium now exceeds the contract limit of 202.8 kg. It produced 337.5 kg per quarter, less than the 500 kg recorded by the International Atomic Energy Agency in the previous two quarters.

In January, Mr Trump ordered a US drone strike to kill the Iranian military General Casem Cholaimani At Baghdad Airport. But he sought to distance himself from wider military conflicts and withdraw U.S. troops from global warming in view of his promise to end what he calls “endless wars.”

A strike in Iran’s main nuclear power plant, Natanz, could ignite a regional conflict and pose a serious foreign policy challenge to Mr Biden.

Mr Biden’s alternative committee, which could not access National Security Intelligence, declined to comment as the Trump administration refused to initiate the change.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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