Donald Trump has declared his support for Jair Bolsonaro and called Lula da Silva a “mad radical leftist.”

Donald Trump has declared his support for Jair Bolsonaro and called Lula da Silva a “mad radical leftist.”
File photo of Donald Trump, former President of the United States, and Jair Bolsonaro, President of Brazil (EFE/Jim Lo Scalzo)
File photo of Donald Trump, former President of the United States, and Jair Bolsonaro, President of Brazil (EFE/Jim Lo Scalzo)

Former President of the United States Donald Trump Called to vote for Jair Bolsonaro On Sunday’s presidential poll in Brazil, he called his opponent “crazy.” Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvawho nicknamed him “Lulu,” in a Friday message on his Truth Social platform.

“On Sunday, vote for President Jair Bolsonaro – he will never let you down!”he said of the Brazilian president, whom he described as a “great and respected leader, who also happens to be a great man and a great heart.”

Trump added that his “crazy, radical leftist opponent Lulu would quickly destroy his country and all the tremendous progress that has been made under President Bolsonaro, including making Brazil a respectable country again.”

Trump's supportive comment on Bolsonaro
Trump’s supportive comment on Bolsonaro

Lula, 77, won the first round of the election on October 2 with 48.4% of the vote, compared to 43.2% for Bolsonaro, who has ambitions for new elections. four years. And since neither of them got more than 50%, both will meet on Sunday for a second round in which the former president is the favourite.

In the first round, of the 156.5 million Brazilians eligible to vote, about 32.7 million (20.9%) did not appear at the polls and the trend is for that number to rise on the ballot.

during the campaign Bolsonaro questioned – without evidence – the electronic voting system, which raised fears that he would not accept an eventual defeat and turmoil as the invasion of the United States Capitol would occur. In 2021, Trump supporters storm the Capitol in Washington in a failed attempt to prevent Congress from confirming the Republican businessman’s election loss to Democrat Joe Biden.

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“Sunday is a great day for Brazil and for the world,” Trump said Friday.

In September, the former Republican president actually endorsed Bolsonaro, “Tropical Trump As it is affectionately called. “You’ve done a great job for the wonderful Brazilian people,” he said at the time.

(With information from AFP)

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Aygen Marsh

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