DOT, a new fashion and image space, has arrived in town

DOT, a new fashion and image space, has arrived in town

“We want this to be an opportunity for all people who love fashion, but above all yearn to find themselves, and respect the way everyone looks at themselves and enjoys the journey.”

Endorsed by the Chamber of Fashion in Mar del Plata, Cimar, this course is designed so that everyone can make the most of their talents, discover their strengths and overcome their fears, and work on their courage and confidence.

We love to be a part of this transformation by improving attitude and attitude, contributing to the development of each personality, strengthening confidence in one’s image, highlighting the visual language and transmitting it through fashion, with more creativity and elegance, whether on the stage or in as well as in daily activities. And the professional that they do.

DOT Modeling School – Personal and Business Image, at the hands of its directors, Eugenia Vittino and Silvia Giovinazzi, provides an opportunity to meet and for that a comfortable environment is necessary where one can learn, practice and train with those who share common interests, a team that is constantly trained, has experience in fashion, photo Art, aesthetics, teaching, events, rallies, photography, television, photography, production, advertising and journalism are ready to train and train that talent, develop a sense of belonging, shared improvement and camaraderie.

In addition, on this tour that the Ministry of Transport proposes to the city, various specializations will also be developed such as:

● Catwalk
● Expression of body and movement
● Photography and video
● makeup
● Color measurement
● Protocol and ceremony
● Nutrition and food
● Training
● performance
● Phonics and speaking
● networks
● Hair styling and styling
● Casting
● Healthy physical activity
● aesthetics
● theory and dialogue

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All the professionals from the city who share their knowledge, experience and love for image, aesthetics and fashion.

As a final touch, the course will feature a MASTER CLASS class by a very well-known personality who will tell us about her journey and her experience in the fashion world.

I lived this experience!
Sos vos… sos DOT

Eugenia Rainery Vitino
Instagram eugerainerivittino

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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