Eduardo Capetillo has been admitted to hospital

Eduardo Capetillo has been admitted to hospital

A news that surprised locals and strangers alike, Eduardo Capetillo, Announced a few days ago He returned to television, Is now hospitalized. The actor was responsible for knowing this information with a picture, where his hand is seen with an IV; In addition, you can see the bed in the living room and a nurse by his side. “Everything is fine, the test is over. The question is what will happen to the steel?” He wrote with a photo he posted on his Instagram account.

His wife, Bibi KaytanHe used the same snapshot and put it in one of his stories, on the same social network, with the words “Thank God” and “I love you”; In addition, to reflect the same phrase that her husband said. However, neither family nor members have revealed what happened to the singer. On the contrary, by maintaining a complete secret, even when they questioned him on his social networks about his health problem.

Despite the above, Netizens sent phrases in support of them and congratulated him. “You will recover quickly.

Latin content via Guillermo Anglo / Getty Images

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God bless you and your family “;” Hey pick up, what happened to you? I hope you are well. Get well soon “;” I wish you well, some news.

Last June, Eduardo Capetillo revealed it Suffered from skin cancerSo the concern of his fans is that he is back in the hospital due to ill health. He will only have to wait if he reveals what happened to him in the future.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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