Education invigorates the web space for admission to IT students for the 2021-2022 academic year

Education invigorates the web space for admission to IT students for the 2021-2022 academic year

Valencia (EP). The Ministry of Education has activated the website for the Admission process for students for the next academic year 2021-2022 Electronically. Thus, the Official Journal of Generalitat Valencia (DOGV).

This measure “is important, especially for families with sons and daughters born in 2019 and 2018 who are enrolling them for the next academic year in free two-year infant classes and three-year infant classes, respectively,” confirms the department that runs it. Vicente Marzà in a statement.

The ministry has already launched the portal and The key to acceptance Interview to start procedures It can be obtained from the day the procedure begins at each educational stage. That is why the first to be able to obtain the key of admission will be people who want to access the course related to FP studies. In this case, the admission process period starts on May 21 and can take place until June 1.

Families starting the process for stages childish s Experiences They will be able to process the acceptance code to execute the action from May 25 And they even have June 2 To submit your requests electronically.

In the event that Which – which, This procedure is performed Only if families decide to change education center Sons and daughters. All students who transfer from elementary school to ESO are assigned a high school, thus, if families do not want to change, they do not have to apply, given that their sons and daughters already have a reserved place.

In the case of the intermediate and high level FP, as well as the baccalaureate, as these are non-compulsory studies, all students who wish to apply for a first-year place must go through the admission process through even if they do not change their educational status.

The first step

The first step to performing the remote action is to access and create the password to perform the remote action. In the “Acceptance Code” window, the applicant’s father, mother, or legal guardian will be asked for, the IDESP support number (the 9-letter and digit code found in the DNI) and the applicant’s birthdate, as well as the email address.

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Foreign citizens who do not have a DNI must fill in the same information but with the NIE. Aside from entering the NIE, you will have to fill in a box with the IXESP Support Number (a code included in Aliens Cards and Residence Permits), as well as the applicant’s date of birth.

Once this first procedure is completed, the applicant will receive their ID and password via email. It is important to retain the access code, ID and password in order to make claims later when publishing temporary lists to the public, as well as refer to results of place allocation.

The family goes to school.  Photo: KIKE TABERNER

Using the access code, you will be able to access the electronic form in the “Admission Process” window where you will have to, step by step, fill in the application data for the educational centers arranged in a preferential manner. Remember, you can choose up to ten options for each son or daughter.

In all stages, while the application period is open, families can amend their requests for school placements as many times as they want, as only the last application submitted will be taken into consideration.

People who do not have a DNI / NIE or those who do not have access to electronic means will be able to do the admission procedure in person at educational centers where they want to apply as a first choice on the same dates on which the remote communication procedure is determined.

All centers supported by public funds will be customer service centers. At these points, through the same application for submitting electronic admission, the procedure will be processed according to the same conditions as the rest of the applicants.

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what’s new?

In the case of infants and primary education, unlike last year, with one admission code, families will be able to request as many places their sons and daughters want to register. For the rest of the educational levels (ESO, Baccalaureate, and FP), you must create an Acceptance Key for each application that you want to submit.

Another remarkable novelty in school admission for the 2021-2022 academic year is that students born from multiple births, if the family so desires, will be guaranteed a place in the same educational center. Families must submit an application for each twin son / daughter, and tick the specific box indicating the will to collect requests, so it will automatically count as one application.

An important first date will be the posting of vacancies. On Monday, May 10th he will join all the offerings of FP core courses, intermediate and high degree courses for next year. On Monday, May 24, it will be the Infant and Primary Show, and on June 2, the ESO and Baccalaureate Show.

The second step that will be activated is to apply for a place: between May 21 and June 1 in FP, from May 25 to June 2 in Infants and Elementary, and from June 3 to 14 in ESO and the Baccalaureate.

There will be a window called ‘Tentative Lists’ with admitted people, which can be accessed to check admission results, which will take effect on June 16 in Infants and Primary, on July 7 at Basic FP, on June 13. In FP of intermediate and superior class and on July 14th in ESO and the baccalaureate.

If you are not satisfied, from the same day the interim prizes are published, families can submit claims by clicking on the button for this purpose in, where the corresponding online form will be displayed. The exact deadlines for submitting claims will be specified on the web.

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Final lists

Once the applications have been considered, final lists will be published: on June 30 for infant and primary, on July 15 for prep, July 22 for middle and high grades A-level, and on July 23 for ESO and the baccalaureate.

When families know the educational center where they can enroll their daughter or son, they must proceed with the actual registration. Since this last step is face-to-face, it is imperative that they contact the specific educational center or consult their website, as they will be informed of the changes configured according to each course and stage within the specified deadlines.

In the case of infant and primary, this final phase will take place between July 1 and 16 in person at a designated learning center. There the documents or alleged cases will be verified in the online admission process.

If the parent non-cohabitation box is checked, the signature must be presented and the details of the father, mother, and legal guardian who has not applied for a place must be submitted.

In Basic FP, the registration period is from July 16-22. The next day, 23, it opens for middle and high classes FP and closes on July 30th. In ESO, the baccalaureate runs from 26 to 29 July.

The letters that will determine the order of allocation of places in the event of a tie in the scale, according to the draw made in front of the notary, are EV for the first title and ÑY for the second title when there is a match with the first. In the absence of a second title, it is considered to begin with AA.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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