Election 2021 Mario Vargas Llosa: Francisco Sagaste ‘never tried to influence me until Mrs. Fujimori accepted the election result’ | Keiko Fujimori NDC | Policy

Election 2021 Mario Vargas Llosa: Francisco Sagaste ‘never tried to influence me until Mrs. Fujimori accepted the election result’ |  Keiko Fujimori NDC |  Policy

Nobel Prize in Literature 2010, This Sunday, he confirmed that in the conversation he had this week with the President , the president “did not try to influence him” to ask the presidential candidate of the Forza Popular party, Acceptance of the result of the second round of the 2021 general election.

Look: Francisco Sagaste confirmed that he contacted Vargas Llosa in an effort to maintain “serenity and calm”.

The novelist indicated that communication with the head of state was “friendly” and “working.”very carefullyTo avoid generating pressure onmediatorsWho called to call both presidential candidates for calm after the elections last Sunday, June 6th.

I spoke with the President of the Republic and I have to tell him that the President did not try to influence me at all until I ask Mrs. Fujimori to accept the election result at all. He suggested that we intervene with the candidates to calm the existing atmosphere. I supported Mrs. Fujimori and for that reason I could not interfere with her opponent. The nature of this conversation was private.”, he said in an interview with N channel.

Immediately a friendly chat took place and I told him that no one could comment on the exclusive powers of JNE, the entity that determines the winner. The president very wisely avoided putting pressure on intermediaries to act in any way. Somehow I committed a violation by revealing a private conversation“, pointed out.

Mario Vargas Llosa: Sagaste "He didn't try to impress me at all to make Mrs. Fujimori accept the result"
(Video: Channel N)

At another time, Vargas Llosa considered the use of the word fraud “extremely dangerous” and said he believed that “until JNE says it, the term should not be used” around the electoral process.

If the vote is real, authentic, well, in time, but if it is the result of tampering with the record, then in no way is it. JNE is the only authority that can rule on this matter. As long as JNE has not completed its mission, a winner cannot be talked about in any way because it is necessary to know the extent of fraud if it exists. JNE is in a position to judge him‘, he announced.

JNE must judge the matter and must or may not justify the word fraud Which is very dangerous because it involves manipulation to modify the popular will, until JNE says that, the term should not be used“he added.

About Pedro Castillo

When asked about the possibility of a government responsible for The author of “The Conversation in the Cathedral” stressed that the “disaster” in the country “would be without limits” and considered that listening to the presidential candidate free peru And for the general secretary of this group, Vladimir Ceron, to talk about economic issues “He’s creepy“.

There is no doubt that if this candidate becomes president of the republic, the disaster will be infinite. You will remember that the same thing happened in Venezuela in 1999 with the first elections that Hugo Chávez won fairly, but what did he do? He established a dictatorship that generated a mass exodus of millions of Venezuelans who had nothing to eat.announced.

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