WhatsApp | Find out who put you in a relationship without you knowing | Applications | Applications | Smartphone | Cell Phones | Viral | Trick | Training | USA | Spain | Mexico | NNDA | NNNI | Sports-Play

WhatsApp |  Find out who put you in a relationship without you knowing |  Applications |  Applications |  Smartphone |  Cell Phones |  Viral |  Trick |  Training |  USA |  Spain |  Mexico |  NNDA |  NNNI |  Sports-Play

Are you still using it? To communicate with your family and friends? Now you can play your friends’ audio notes at speeds of 1x, 1.5x and 2x, the latter being twice as normal. Likewise, the app has enabled messages that will disappear within 7 days if not read by your contacts. Here we tell you step by step how to achieve it.

But there are tricks that many are unaware of. You can now find out who added you Contacts in a definite way. After all, you do not need to install any external APK, plus version use is minimal, does not comply with security provisions or displays your personal information.

View: WhatsApp: How to record a video call without your friend noticing

Note that in order to chat with someone in the messaging app, you must have that person’s phone number or scan their QR code. With it, you can exchange texts, GIFs, stickers, emojis and make calls or video calls or chat with someone from abroad.

But if interested, the person wants to know if you are included Unbeknownst to you, because now we will teach you all the steps so that you will be surprised and share it with your friends.

Remember that you must have certain requirements to achieve this Be it Android or iOS (iPhone), do the trick without much delay:

  • Enter the first thing to do .
  • Now go to Options or press the broadcast list icon on the iPhone.
  • Your contact list will be displayed in this area.
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Remember that you need to create a broadcast list to do this trick.  (Photo: MAG)
Remember that you need to create a broadcast list to do this trick. (Photo: MAG)
  • Select the contacts you would like to know if they have added you or not. You can also filter by name.
  • You will also see a WhatsApp message clarifying that only those who have saved your number will receive your message.
When you are done, write a message to the recipients.  (Photo: MAG)
When you are done, write a message to the recipients. (Photo: MAG)
  • Now merge the broadcast list with all the contacts you have selected and send them a message. It can be a simple “hello” or “how are you” or any type of text or a predetermined one.
  • After that, if you click on “Info”, everyone reading your message will be shown. For those who haven’t read it yet, you can wait a while to make sure everyone saw it.
  • If you notice an unknown number, it is a good idea to block or report it because you do not know who it really is.
  • The WhatsApp contact is the one who added you without you knowing.
  • If he is an acquaintance, ask him to join you or just talk to him casually so he knows who you are.

Do you have any problem? Do you want to report it? If you have any problem, you should write to their contact email: [email protected] or [email protected]. You can make a similar request from your iPhone.

Now, if you want to make a general query, you can use this to fill out the form . In addition to your region code, you must place your phone number there and then write your message after identifying yourself.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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