Elmer Charlex reveals the reward amounts given to former officials during the Saka administration

Elmer Charlex reveals the reward amounts given to former officials during the Saka administration

Charlex was the private secretary to former President Antonio Saca. Both are being held in Mariona Prison on charges of corruption against public money.

In addition to the names of former officials in his government that he disclosed Former President Elias Antonio SacaHis former private secretary, Elmer Charlix, detailed the emolument amounts paid with the Expenditures Reserved for the Presidency, a figure occupied by the Executive for non-public expenditures.

Charlex handed a document to the deputies of the Special Committee detailing the names and amounts of the expanded cabinet and heads of autonomous communities who had received bonuses in the Saka administration.

He said the rewards were not illegal and that they had been “discredited and questioned from an ethical point of view”.

The bonus amounts awarded ranged from $4,000 to $10,000.

Charlex said Anna Legia Saka also received $10,000 a month on orders from former President Saka.

The largest amount of bonuses was awarded to the former Deputy Minister of the Interior, René Mario Figueroa, in the amount of $20,000 per month; Luis Ernesto Montes Prieto, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Salvadorans Abroad, with a monthly bonus of $3,000; Silvia Inmaculada Aguilar Zepeda, the former Minister of the Interior, received $5,000 a month (this former official identified herself as the GANA Party); Juan Miguel Bolaños, the former Minister of the Interior, was given $3,000 a month.

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– the former director of the police was awarded a monthly bonus of $ 5,000; To Ástor Escalante Saravia, Former Deputy Minister of Citizens Security, $3,000 per month; Douglas Alejandro Garcia, Former Deputy Secretary of the Interior $3,000 per month.

plus $7,000 per month for Carmen Regina Flores de Arevalo, Deputy Minister of Finance; William Jacobo Handal, former Minister of Finance, received a monthly bonus of $10,000; Yolanda Eugenia Mayorga de Gavidia, former Minister of Economy, $7,000 a month; Among other things.

He revealed that in the case of former prosecutors Belisario Artega and Felix Jared Safi, the amount awarded was $10,000 per month.

In addition, Charlex told Representative Rosa Romero that he had not seen Ernesto Sanabria, the current press secretary for the Bukele government, working in the Presidential House. This is despite his autobiography showing that he was a communications advisor to the presidency from 2004 to 2009.

Saka and Charlex were summoned on Wednesday to the association’s special committee investigating supposed emoluments given to officials of previous governments. In the morning it was the turn of former President Alfredo Christiani and his former private secretary, Arturo Tuna.

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Former President Saka said that ministers, deputy ministers and senior government officials he directed were given an additional bonus of $10,000 in addition to their monthly stipend.

New Ideas MPs insisted that he give Saka full names, so the former president admitted that in his tenure from 2004 to 2009 he provided bonuses from the secret game to a number of his former ministers, deputy ministers, former prosecutors and even former judges. Constitutional Chamber, because it is a practice that came from the governments that preceded it with a “secret” agreement.

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Charlex was convicted in November 2020 of corruption, specifically “unlawful enrichment”.

The former secretary and his wife, Maria Arlene Rivas, were found guilty of failing to justify the source of the funds disclosed in their wealth returns, according to an integrity investigation by the Supreme Court. As a result of this investigation, the spouses were sent to a civil trial. They ordered him to return $710,339.19 to her and $173,925.75.

Charlex was Saka’s private secretary from 2004-2009 and surrendered to the authorities by appearing in the facilities of the Anti-Narcotics Division (DAN) of the National Civil Police (PNC), after the corruption case in that government was discovered. Criminal proceedings that ended in convictions were opened in September 2018.

The process left penalties against Elias Antonio Saca (10 years), Cesar Funes (five years) and Julio Ranc (deceased, five years), as well as civil liability each of $260.7 million, $886,697, and $8.3 million, respectively.

Charlex was sentenced to 10 years in prison and $15 million in civil liability to the state. This case arose after the investigations of illicit enrichment pursued by the Propidad Court and was referred to a civil trial.

can read: ‘They should investigate all governments, not just previous governments’: Ex-President Kristani to special commission investigating rewards

Aygen Marsh

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