Family Reveals What Was The Last Moments Before His Disappearance And Asks For Help Locating Him – Prensa Libre

Family Reveals What Was The Last Moments Before His Disappearance And Asks For Help Locating Him – Prensa Libre

Guatemalan Jose Zoel Cruz, a singer of the Mexican regional genre, disappeared on November 12 after an art show in Zacapa, where he was taken out by unknown men, and since then the family does not know his whereabouts and has asked for help in locating him.

The singer’s mother, who was known as Juliana de Leon, expressed through a statement about the situation they are going through, so far that the events that led to their kidnapping are unknown, and that the family has not received any news from the artist yet.

“The last thing we knew was that he was invited to the Fiesta en La Sierra event, at the Restaurant Bosque Real, located in the province of Zacapa, where he rotated with the Máxima Orden group,” the statement read.

He adds that “at the end of his show, Jose Zewail was taken away from the event by a group of unknown people. This was on November 12.” Indica de Leon, who adds that she is completely devastated by the uncertainty.

Please contact us, if you have any information, at (502) 41795480. I invite all Guatemalans and the media to share the news of my son’s disappearance on their social networks, and ask for any information on his whereabouts to be conveyed.”

The Walk of Light and Hope

Friends and fans of Zoel Cruz have organized a rally in support of the singer’s family which will take place this Tuesday, November 16th at 7:00 PM in Guastatoya, El Progreso. The activity will leave the local fire station towards the catholic church lobby.

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Case investigation

The Public Prosecution Office (MP) and the National Civil Police (PNC) reported that the anti-kidnapping command of the Congolese National Police in cooperation with the Zacapa Provincial Prosecutor’s Office is searching for José Zoel Cruz de Leon.

The deputy explained that at the moment the prosecution owns the mother’s statement, video surveillance camera recordings and other indicators that are part of the investigation to locate the victim.

The investigation is responsible for the attorney general’s office and not the office of the kidnapped attorney general because there is no monetary demand for ransom for him.

Jose Zoel Cruz is a Mexican regional singer-songwriter for 8 years who disappeared on November 12 after a performance at Zacapa. (Free press photo: Courtesy of the family)

artistic career

José Zoel Cruz is a singer and songwriter of the Mexican regional genre for 8 years.

Share the stage with international artists such as El Komander and La Trakalosa de Monterrey by Edwin Luna and national artists such as Pedro Cuevas and Enrique Aguilar among others.

He took his music across the country, with horse shows and parades. He was about to release his first album.

Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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