Galapagos children are related to astronauts in space

Galapagos children are related to astronauts in space

For the first time, the Galapagos Boys and Girls spoke in real time with astronauts orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 340 km. Connect them Permissible Learn firsthand about the life and scientific experiments that are taking place in International Space Station (EEI).

During the moving inSixteen seventh year of basic education boys from Galapagos asked questions, in English and via shortwave radio, at Space travelers.

Their fears, agreed upon in their schools, were: What investigations are they carrying out to save the seas? How is the Galapagos Islands appreciated from Space station? What does life look like in space?

Contact with the International Space Station can be tracked in real time and is available at ARISS YouTube Channel.

Video: YouTube, Channel: Aris

The link is part of Infinite Galapagos Program, Established by the Archipelago Board of Directors and the Navydocando Foundation.

It is also made Digital Missions Face-to-Face connects children from the four inhabited islands with activities aboard boats, beach cleanup, sailing lessons, exploring virtual sites, and the impact of disasters.

Adviser Galapagos Board of DirectorsAnd the Noemi DuzovilleA French scientist specializing in groundwater science, who lives on the islands and is the mother of a family, explains that until now the Zoom platform has been used to carry out digital tasks with children. It has 515 7th year students living in the archipelago.

The call to the International Space Station lasted 10 minutes. This is the time it takes for the International Space Station to cross over the islands.

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Then the boys analyzed the responses they got from the American astronaut Victor Glover, Which was the norm at the station.

Ozovil Account that the connection was possible after accessing a tutorial for NASA. The children of Galapagueños have been chosen from among the thousands of students around the world who seek to establish this connection. Coordination with the US space agency began six months ago. Three years ago it was confirmed that it could be implemented in early January 2021, and then the day and time chosen from Houston were confirmed: January 6 at 10:30 Galapagos Time.

The girl Maria Angelica Espinosa, 11 years old, attends the Alejandro Alvear Teaching Unit in San Cristobal Island. She considers that participating with astronauts, captains and scientists was a unique experience. He says they learned many things they did not know about the archipelago they live in. For example: how they formed, the species that inhabit them, the volcanoes, the ocean currents, and now how islands are viewed from space.

Izer Hector

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