Galdo: “This space has a clear project until 2023” – Tucuman

Galdo: “This space has a clear project until 2023” – Tucuman

Deputy Governor and candidate for deputy, Osvaldo Galdo, led the opening ceremony of the 7 de Mayo Social and Community Headquarters in Trankas, where he was accompanied by legislator Enrique Bethencourt; National Representative Gladys Medina; advisors Isabel Carabajal and Germain Kayrouz; The leaders and residents of this town.

After the act, Galado left a message for the leaders who accompany him in the campaign for elections, simultaneous and mandatory primaries (STEP): “It is our political space that allows us to build Tucumán for all.”

“We Peronists can do better. We have come to tell you that our Todos por Tucumán space represents a secure future. We welcome all colleagues who wish to work for the benefit of Tucumán, we are a collective project that includes everyone, not a group of friends with personal ambitions. Our list is the epitome of our project, a list represented by men and women from all over the interior. This space has a clear project that looks to 2023, in which we will all work so that Tucuman can move forward again,” stressed the candidate.

For her part, the national representative seeking to extend her term, Gladys Medina, highlighted: “In her home in her land, I ask all of us to remember, that after September 12, Trankas will have the opportunity to sit in the Lucas Cordoba chair of the son of this land.”

Finally, legislator Enrique Bethencourt said: “As Tranquino I feel proud to belong to the ‘true Peronism’ and to have the lieutenant-governor as commander, and to ask everyone to go out and walk around the whole department bearing the proposal of ‘all’ of Tucumán ‘because we are the project that includes all colleagues in The province, in addition to the possibility of taking the son of Trankas to the position of governor in 2023.”

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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