Garden, all-to-do and motto: Flood the space with greenery

Garden, all-to-do and motto: Flood the space with greenery

As with any landscaping project, there is always a before and after. In the case of this garden located in a private home in the Picard neighborhood, north of Greater Buenos Aires, the previous design included a clear and powerful slogan on the part of the homeowners: That the vegetation was fertile And that everything was covered in a lot of green.

Pool protection bars repeat bars for the first floor and ceiling.
Pool protection bars repeat bars for the first floor and ceiling.Inas Closelas

The entrance garden, the study of the Litoral Landscape, responsible for its filling with plants, presented the following situation: it has an area of ​​95 square meters, receives little sunlight and is cramped. As differential data, it contained a medium-sized anakawita and a forked torso, which remains a statue of the place to this day. The back garden occupies an area of ​​215 square meters, and the house is covered in an “L” shape. The pool, near the building, was a reflection of the architecture at different times of the day. Already from the architectural project of the house, responsible for Malena Verni, the weight of containers for plants on the first floor was taken into account.

The pathway for pedestrians to enter the house is narrow, forming plants
The pathway for pedestrians to enter the house is narrow with vegetation forming a green “tunnel”. It is a path of irregular stones that repeat all over the exterior and semi-covered floors.Inas Closelas
Home design contains in
The layout of the house in “ele” includes the swimming pool and the garden, as well as the privacy of the neighbors.Inas Closelas

The lush vegetation that the homeowners wanted had to harmoniously combine with two factors: privacy (and at the same time the ability to walk freely in all spaces) and a low-maintenance garden. Thus, the idea of ​​park coordinators Tamara Lipkin and Raphaela Casarino was to create “MicroSilva”, An oasis of abundant vegetation That formed the structure of the garden. Planter pots were placed in the first floor terraces in front of the balustrades, to make them heroes.

Pinó trees generate a filter that shade the species planted below.  Muhlenbergia dumosa pleases fatten behind the bank and contrasts with the fresh gray foliage of Poa iridifolia.
Pinó trees generate a filter that shade the species planted below. Muhlenbergia dumosa pleases fatten behind the bank and contrasts with the fresh gray foliage of Poa iridifolia.Inas Closelas

The main decision to instantly flood the space with greenery and give it a tropical feel was choice Four specimens of bindo palm trees. Their height and leaf arrangement provided the desired shade, as well as invading semi-covered spaces for integration. Around them, the landscaping project began to grow. The fern planted at its base Dryopteris sp.And the Muhlenbergia dumosa, Pennisetum rupelli, Alocasia plumbea ‘Nigra’, and Senecio kaempferi.

Wedelia trilobata fall off like perennial canopies and in spring it fill with yellow flowers;  It creates a very intimate atmosphere in the corridor under the bedrooms.
Wedelia trilobata fall off like perennial canopies and in spring it fill with yellow flowers; It creates a very intimate atmosphere in the corridor under the bedrooms.Inas Closelas
Large-leaved botanical species define the tropical style of the garden.
Large-leaved botanical species define the tropical style of the garden.Inas Closelas

Facing the pool, tropical shrubs were chosen to accompany the existing ficuses: Piper auritum, Brugmania arborea s Datura stramonium. The Widdelia Trilopata Consolidate Green curtain to sift the rays of the sun Afternoon directly, thus achieving more comfortable environments.

Central to his choice was the fact that this creeper is easy to maintain and can live well in pots with little soil. Sometimes, vegetation falls like umbrellas towards the west, other times it rises like walls, and other times, the tops of palm trees invade semi-covered spaces, exposing the outer surface between their leaves.

A mixture of plants was achieved Contradictions of the greens Above all, it varied in leaf morphology. The lighting penetrates between the vegetation and the multiple “eyes” in the tile providing natural light as well.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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