Guyana is investigating alleged violations of its airspace by Venezuela

Guyana is investigating alleged violations of its airspace by Venezuela
This content was published on March 03, 2021 – 23:22

San Juan, March 3rd (EFE). The Government of Guyana is studying the alleged violation of its airspace by military aircraft from Venezuela, which were to be flying over the police and army installations of the South American country in a border area.

Officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guyana confirmed on Wednesday the start of an investigation into an accident that would have occurred on Tuesday afternoon in the Itringbang mining region near the border with Venezuela where there is a military airport.

The police report indicates that two Venezuelan fighter jets entered Guyana’s airspace when they flew over the Iteringbang police station and the Guyana Defense Force base before returning to their home countries.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs studies the information available before issuing an official statement.

After a warning from Vladimir Godfather

The hypothetical flight over Guyana’s airspace occurred a few days after Venezuela’s Defense Minister, Vladimir Padrino, warned Guyana that it would defend at all levels the rights that Caracas claims to have in the Esecuipo region.

Padrino’s words contradict his commitment to conflict resolution within the framework of the Geneva Convention.

“We are convinced that Essequibo is ours and we will defend it on all levels,” he said in an interview broadcast on public TV last Sunday on TV Padrino.

According to the official, “within” the armed forces there is “coherence” on the position of the government of Nicolás Maduro, which is actively defending Venezuela’s rights in Esquipo.

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There is a long-running border dispute between Venezuela and Guyana over the Essequibo region, which has an area of ​​about 160,000 square kilometers and which represents nearly two-thirds of the second country.

Both countries signed the Geneva Convention in 1966

In 1966, the two countries signed the Geneva Convention, an instrument by which they pledged to seek an amicable solution to the conflict.

The United Nations mediated the regional conflict until the end of January 2018, when the organization ended its work on the conflict.

This decision prompted Guyana to turn to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – which declared it competent to resolve the conflict – where the United Nations then recommended that the case be transferred to this court.

Venezuela has repeatedly defended that it does not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, a position it reiterated two days ago when it insisted that it only accepts an agreed solution, within the framework of the Geneva Convention, as a formula for settling the dispute.

The alleged violation of airspace occurred after the Lady Nayera and the Sea Wolf returned to port with 12 Guyanese fishermen arrested by Venezuela on January 21, accused by the government of that country of alleged fishing in its judicial waters, causing new friction. Between the two countries. EFE

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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