He went to the hospital with stomach pain and they removed over 60 objects from his stomach.

He went to the hospital with stomach pain and they removed over 60 objects from his stomach.

In Punjab, IndiaA man went to hospital with severe stomach pain, but what they discovered inside stunned doctors: he had 60 other items with him, including headphones, earplugs, screws and buttons.

It’s about Kuldeep Singh, 35 years old, was admitted to the hospital last Tuesday, September 26, after suffering severe stomach pain. the doctors Moga Medicity Hospital in Moga, PunjabIndia, had an x-ray and was shocked to discover that he had a variety of things inside his stomach.

Doctors commented at the time, according to what was reported by Mirror media, that the man might be suffering from pica disorder, which is the desire to eat or crave non-food items. They also discovered that Singh had been swallowing all kinds of things in his house for more than two years.

“When doing the X-ray, we found medals, chains, nuts, bolts, earphones and many other things inside the stomach. “So we decided to operate on him,” hospital director Ajmer Singh Kalra told the media.

The man had also eaten magnets, shirt buttons and zippers, among other items. For this reason, he had to undergo an urgent surgery, which took about three hours and was performed by surgeon Anup Handa and gastroenterologist Dr. Vishavnur Kalra.

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“Since he ate sharp objects, he sustained serious injuries in his abdomen,” he added. Dr. Kalra explained that although the surgery was performed successfully, he is still on a ventilator and is in a critical condition.

When the family learned of the diagnosis, they were speechless, because they did not know he was eating non-food items.

Aygen Marsh

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