Health service coverage is lower with Insabi

Health service coverage is lower with Insabi

According to the independent body that measures poverty in Mexico, the lack of access to public health led to a nationwide decline of 37.2 percentage points between 2000 and 2020, but as of 2015, it increased again, going from 16.7% to 21.5% in 2020, the first year of the Institute for Health and Wellbeing (Insabi), the body that Seguro Popular has been replaced by.

Data from the Center for Economic Research and Budget (CIEP) contribute to the panorama of health coverage nowadays, which has shrunk each time. Although Insabi’s budget in 2021 was 4.5% higher, in real terms, than the amount Seguro Popular exercised in 2019, this 8,647 million pesos increase does not equal the population increase of 14.4 million more people, generating a contraction in spending for the individual.

“Insabi budget is not in line with the goal of covering the entire population without social security, in this way, spending ، per person For this population, it increased from 3,656 pesos in 2019 to 2,911 pesos in 2021, a 20.3% contraction,” says the study “From Seguro Popular to Insabi: More Population with Less Interest,” prepared by Judith Seniacin Mendes Mendez, issued by the CIEP.

In her analysis, the researcher points out that the differences in spending per person of health subsystems exacerbate inequality in access to health services, for example, in Pemex this indicator increased from 23,896 pesos in 2016 to 29,803 pesos per capita; That is 10.2 times the per capita expenditure in the Institute of Health.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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