Huila is forecast in terms of science, technology and innovation by 2032

Huila is forecast in terms of science, technology and innovation by 2032

Offer made Update of the Strategic Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation in Huila “PECTI-Huila” 2010 – 2032 where, after studying and building collaboratively with various higher education institutions, companies and associations affiliated with the department, an action plan consisting of five (5) strategic components is developed until 2032.

Neva, March 25, 2022. In the presence of the Governor of Olla, Engineer Luis Enrique Dosan López, the update of the Strategic Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation with a goal of 2032 was presented to continue to improve the indicators in this matter and measure ourselves. at the national level.

The Governor of Huila congratulated all the representatives who participated in the construction of the update of the plan, “The first thing I want to do is to congratulate all of you who are the main actors for the achievements that have been made, this government is already close to $132. 000 million in approved science and technology projects but in 2020 approved Also on a good package, especially in agriculture and also in Covid, we even used science and technology resources, the challenge was very big because we emerged nationally as a department that used the resources of science and technology to say the least.”

The Governor of Huila also highlighted the importance of the management-approved projects, which have an effective impact on the economy and development of Huila.

Tecnova was responsible for presenting the plan created in collaboration with the various organizations and finally made recommendations that need to be taken into account in order for the department to continue progressing in improving indicators and using science resources. and technology. .

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“Essentially we have to generate more communication between all the actors in the system, we have some very active players who are developing science, technology and innovation activities in the department, universities, some companies, chamber of commerce and government, but we need to have some very active players developing science, technology and innovation activities in the department, universities, some companies, the chamber of commerce and the government, but we need to explain the Technology and innovation, that there must be greater communication between actors.

The “Huila Crece” Departmental Development Plan 2020-2023 emphasizes interdependence between organizations as a key element for developing and achieving departmental goals in science, technology and innovation, but especially in implementing these processes as part of the integration and competitive development of our department.

Science, Technology and Innovation (CTEI), is columns fundamental to the productive and competitive development of the regions, which is why Huila Department makes great efforts to improve indicators and create scenarios that encourage research, science, patent creation, competitiveness and innovation so that the region follows the path of development.

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Publication date 03/26/2022

Last modified 03/26/2022

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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