ICEX and Fundae Maximize and “digitize” space with new free training resources

ICEX and Fundae Maximize and “digitize” space with new free training resources

sling H ICEX Spain Export and Investments Signed a cooperation agreement that allows expanding the model of cooperation between public and private sector entities that make up space.Digital moved“With the new Training resources Affiliated to this entity contributed to Minister of State for Trade.

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He attended the event Maria Peña MatthewsCEO of ICEX Spain Export & Investments and Antonio de Luis Acevedo, MD State Foundation for Employment Training, As well as representatives of the Government Public Employment Service (SEPE) And social partners in Patronato Farm, VA, VXG, Cepyme y Federation of Employers.

This agreement facilitates the integration into the “Digitizing Yourself” platform for an intensive training program consisting of more than 11 seminars, manuals and 9 courses, available to any worker free of charge. These resources include:

Challenges in the International Supply Chain and Logistics Chain (webinar)

Convergence of B2B and B2C Strategies in International Ecommerce (Webinar)

The internationalization of the company (MOOC)

The company in the global digital economy (MOOC)

E-commerce manual internationalization. ICEX

Record performance in the markets

Financial management for digital transformation

With this agreement, the base of participating entities and that training resources are made publicly available by Fundae through its corporate and expanded website. They are completely free resources, of high quality and in digital format, provided by companies and large entities

The State Employment Training Corporation (Fundae) and State Public Employment Service (SEPE) It established a framework for cooperation with large companies in our country and with public sector institutions in order to provide workers, especially those who belong to small and medium enterprises, and unemployed training content that allows them to adapt, free of charge, to the current needs derived from technological and digital change.

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Much more than that 25 cooperation agreements with large companies That is part of the “digitizing yourself” area that, to date, has exceeded a million and a half million times since its launch a year ago as resources training.

In this event, Fundae Managing Director expressed the importance of this space: “The big challenge of digitization is not beyond anyone’s leave. As public sector institutions we must give a collective response to this problem, comprehensive, count on everyone. Fundae and SEPE, through this space. Digital, we are committed to bringing up-to-date training for all corners and for all citizens of this country and thus accompanying all people in advancing their working lives. “

For this part, CEO of ICEX He has highlighted the importance of this type of initiative and the need to enhance the international vision of our companies and workers, and to contribute to training through digitization. “With the agreement signed today, it is our mission to support Internationalization of the Spanish Economy It goes a step further and is strengthened thanks to the strengthening of such important entities as Fundae and SEPE in the area of ​​support for workers, especially the unemployed and small and medium-sized companies, “he highlighted. Maria Peña.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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