IES is committed to advancing quality science in Mexico

IES is committed to advancing quality science in Mexico

By: Jose Miguel Garcia

The second open science conference begins in 2021; It gathered more than 1,700 participants from Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Peru, among other countries…

The Institutions of Higher Education (IESThe coordinator said) that we are committed to developing the science of quality in Mexico, as well as promoting its visibility at the global level and having a positive impact on the population. General of the University of Adults, Jaime Vázquez-López, during the opening of the Second Open Science Conference 2021.

Therefore, he added, it is up to the university communities to take on the challenge of collaborating to promote open access to publications. In the case of the foundation’s scientific production, there is a great resource: the BUAP open access repository.

Represent University President Alfonso Esparza Ortiz, Jaime Vázquez López, opened these conferences organized by the Directorate General of Libraries of BUAP, which has more than 1,700 participants – librarians, academics, researchers, and students – from Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, Panama and Mexico, among other countries.

After noting that in recent years and during this pandemic, the communication process of science has undergone a major transformation, he stated that science is the fatherierta – understood as the movement to open scientific research for social benefit – is revolutionizing the way scientific knowledge is produced, building on good collaborative practices and making it accessible to all.

“We can affirm that open science is a medium capable of shaping and making scientific, technological and innovation policies more dynamic; it encourages collaboration and provides open access to scientific knowledge.”

When reading the letter of President Alfonso Esparza Ortiz, he stressed that increased access to science allows ideas and ideas to converge in comprehensive models for the production of knowledge.It encourages dialogue between academic and community communities, promotes common and interdisciplinary development, and promotes democracy and the search for knowledge to solve the most pressing problems.

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in his speech, Alfredo Avendáño Arenaz, Director General of Libraries at BUAP, recognized the sensitivity of Rector Esparza, who during his tenure supported the library system at the Maximum House of Studies in Puebla with the largest budget in history, when taking her proposal to the University Council for an extension of the budget and annual marking, was unanimously approved by this governing body.

Izer Hector

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