If you immigrate outside the United States, can you get Social Security?

If you immigrate outside the United States, can you get Social Security?
Social Security, USA, pension, retirement

Social Security payments can come to you while you live abroad / Photo Canva

he Social security that it Pay A monthly essential for many residents of United State. It targets a segment of the population that has no other income or is very low. This is the case of people who, after a lifetime’s work, have decided to retire, ie retired و. People with some kind of disability also have the right to receive it. inability and dependent family members of the deceased person.

Is it Federal government to United State The person responsible for booking a game Millions of dollars to enter it beneficiaries during Checkups monthly. but how much money consists of this benefit affiliate Social security? There is no single answer. The amount of this payment depends on the reason for your receipt pensionamong other things.

Another requirement is that you reside in United State. Therefore, if a person decides to move to another country, does he stop receiving benefit? This condition occurs with some regularity. And there are a lot of people, especially when it comes to that RetiresThey decide to do so in a country that provides them with other kinds of amenities.

As for check affiliate Social securityNot in all cases the payment is not received. However, there are certain criteria to meet, but in essence, keep charging me benefit It will depend on which country beneficiary and your immigration status United State. A fact that is better to check in advance.

Social Security check cashing requirements

to Social Security Check Request, must be part of one of the sectors that the US Federal Government is considering for this purpose. These sectors fall into three categories. On the one hand, people with some kind of disability. In addition to the deceased relative’s Excellency. Finally, people who have stopped working and are therefore retiring.

It’s possible to get a Social Security check even if you don’t live in the US / Photo Canva

The latter is the most diverse in terms of requirements and the amount allocated according to the specific situation of the applicant. In this sense, the first thing to consider is obtaining a Social Security benefit, He must have accumulated 40 credit hours. This means that you have worked for at least 10 years. next to, Age is another condition to be met.

in united states, you can ask Retire from the age of 62 to 70. Of course, depending on the moment when it is implemented, this will be the amount of the pension. To give you an idea, the retirement amount increases by 8 percent for each year that a worker decides to delay the moment. In this way, you can extend the date until you are 70 years old.

Retirement collection outside the United States

When we talk about people who live outside the United States, two different points need to be taken into account. First of all, I do not live, not alone, in one of the fifty states, but not in the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, or American Samoa. In addition, to be considered not living somewhere, you must spend at least 30 days outside of these areas.

However, if you are a US citizen, Yes, you can collect any social security pension even if you live abroad. Although not in all foreign countries. The truth is, there are two exceptions. The places where you can’t get a Social Security benefit because of Treasury Department sanctions on these countries are Cuba and North Korea.

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There are also some countries where US Social Security will not send your payments while you live there. These are: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Turkmenistan. However, you will not forfeit any payments that do not come in while you are living in one of these countries. The government keeps it for you and It is paid to you as soon as you move to the United States or another foreign country.

Aygen Marsh

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