Ijia Health Center deplores the existence of six jobs to fill the workforce

Doctors were Igea de los Caballeros Health Center (Zaragoza) publicly denounced with a statement The lack of professionals that has persisted since the summer of 2020. The two morning reserve physician jobs and four out of five continuing care physicians are not covered. Staff began their protests in the face of the health unresponsiveness to provide a solution, despite the need to restructure primary care “So as not to leave the rural environment uncovered.”
Health center professionals assure that the population they serve, is them Includes Igia and twelve other municipalities, It is an area of high healthcare pressure, attended by twelve primary care physicians Up to sixty consultationsPhone, home, face to face, updated. Last year, Health awarded two backup doctors, but soon those reinforcements began to fill morning vacancies in the morning when the incumbent stopped filling and was not filled again.
It also confirms that Staff turnover is very high and it will happen to us again in the upcoming transfers with the latest arrivals.. Despite this, it’s also reported that Ejea de los Caballeros is not listed on Health’s Hardest-to-Cover Jobs list.
In parallel, of the five physicians who had to attend ongoing care (which is conducted in the five in the afternoon and holidays shifts), only three places are formally occupied, and two are such professionals He’s been on leave without coverage for more than a month, So the doctors of tomorrow are forced to double their guards.
To cover these shortcomings and the absence of doctors on the stock exchange, The center, with the permission of the administration, contacted doctors from other countries, With an accredited degree but without MIR in Family Medicine, an exceptional solution that has already been applied in other health sectors, always in time; However, last week, the Health Department informed it that it did not allow this, prompting the Ejea Center staff to “make a full claim, because we do not understand that we have been denied without any argument a possibility authorized elsewhere.”
The protests began on Saturday
On Saturday, the protests began, with a sign at the entrance to the center denouncing the following: “Ijeia Primary Care is saturated. Without support, without doctors. ” On Monday, when Primary Care Day is celebrated, employees read a statement, also posted on video via social networks, to denounce his situation and what he is wanted in. “Not only is Igia being restructured, the continuous care staff and the rural physicians are being completely restructured.”
After these first measures, it is expected that a meeting will take place between representatives of the Vasamate Syndicate and the management of the Third Sector, to decide on possible new measures, although it was presented saying, “We will not stop doing our work, but In the guards, instead of two people on duty, one of them should be there and the sick will have to wait. “
In their statement, the doctors asserted that the improvement of the workforce is a historical demonstration of the center, the Ijia City Council and the Cinco Villas district, “but If the doctors who finished the contract get a contract in Zaragoza, they will not have the solution either. “ This is the reason for the assertion that the final solution includes restructuring primary care “with decent and attractive contracts so as not to leave rural areas without coverage and to obtain the first-class health care they deserve.”