In front of the diplomats .. Buckley distorts the reputation of the international press and denies the Biden government’s rejection of his request for a meeting | News from El Salvador

In front of the diplomats .. Buckley distorts the reputation of the international press and denies the Biden government’s rejection of his request for a meeting |  News from El Salvador

This, despite the fact that various sources indicate that the US government closed its doors in Washington.

During his term as President of the Republic, Najib Boukil had a tumultuous relationship with the critical and independent media, which he accused of lying when it published reports unfavorable to his government.

But on Thursday afternoon, the president expanded his attempts to exclude press reports and accused journalist Joshua Goodman of the Associated Press International (AP) of lying.

We cannot trust the international media. For example, the Associated Press said that I went to the United States to request a meeting with President Biden and that they refused. This is a lie. Here is the head of the United States’ missions and he can confirm it, “the president said in a meeting with the diplomatic corps accredited in the country.

See also: Buckley travels to Washington and no Biden administration official wanted him

Earlier in the week, Goodman reported how Bukele had sought meetings in Washington, D.C., with officials from the Biden administration who were rejected. According to the report published in the Associated Press and reported by many media outlets inside and outside the United States, sources close to the new US government refused to meet Buckley due to his apparent undemocratic behavior and also to prevent him from benefiting from the electoral meetings.

Sources in Washington, DC, from El Diario de Hoy, with direct knowledge of the Biden administration, confirmed information similar to that published by the AP.

This hit Buckley, who has tried to present himself as a friend of Washington, but his abuse of power leads to harsh sanctions in America that have changed so much since Trump left power.

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For this reason, he tried to discredit the AP report from the start. One of his closest officials, the head of CEPA, Federico Unleker, even hinted that the Washington Post, which handled the note, had dealt with one of El Salvador’s main opposition leaders.

See also: Buckley lied when he said he had canceled a contract with a lobby group in the United States

Despite his attempts to exclude this report and denied that it was not received by the Biden administration in Washington, Democratic party sources support their initial version and confirm that the Salvadoran president is lying.

‘The best student’
Mauricio Alarcon-Salvador is an Ecuadorian lawyer and defender of press freedom in his country and the region. Every time Buckili distorts the national press, he repeats that his style is very similar to that of former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, who was an enemy of the media when he ruled that South American country.

Faced with this exclusion from the AP and the international press, Alarcon-Salvador recalls that in his country, the then-and-now fugitive Correa was “an expert not only at denigrating the national press but also in international journalism.”
Conspiracy theories have often been voiced, stating that the international press is also complying with orders from outside governments to destabilize their government.

The lawyer explained that he had contacted some hypocritical and liar media people. Therefore, he adds, “This student that you have in El Salvador (Buckley) is exceeding himself.”

In fact, Correa recently dedicated a tweet to celebrate Bukele’s treatment of independent media in El Salvador, which he continually excludes and those who have been harassed by officials and fans, have been using state power to intimidate them.

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Aygen Marsh

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