In November, the Party of the Democratic Revolution will decide the presidential candidacy

In November, the Party of the Democratic Revolution will decide the presidential candidacy

The Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) will decide its presidential candidacy In the next month of November.

The information was given by the president of that party, Miguel Vargas Maldonado, as he led a tour of the Santo Domingo East and San Cristobal.

Vargas emphasized that PRD members are focusing on strengthening the party and running their candidates at various levels for the upcoming elections in 2024.

Who comes to tell you about it? Alliances, tell him to go somewhere elseThe head of the political party stressed that we are working to deliver our candidacies to all levels.

As it was explainedThis is not the time to talk about alliances. The hustle of the PRD is that we hold our own congressional, municipal and presidential nominations.

“In November we will have the presidential candidacy,” the former foreign minister said.


The 2004 presidential candidate was sworn in to lead the restructured party in San Cristobal.

He congratulated the local leadership of the Party of the Democratic Revolution for the restructuring work carried out, and encouraged the bases to do so Prepare to take on local nominations in each demarcation of the governorate’s borders.

“The Party of the Democratic Revolution is ready to carry its candidates in every corner of the country, San Cristobal is not exempt from such a task,” he said.

He was accompanied on the tour by a delegation from the National Directorate of the Party headed by Dona Peggy Cabral and made up of Amancia de la Cruz, Arnaldo Pimentel, Hector Guzman and Bernardo Arroyo.

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Aygen Marsh

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