Is it necessary to leave the comfort zone and enter a space of tension, sacrifice and uncertainty?

Is it necessary to leave the comfort zone and enter a space of tension, sacrifice and uncertainty?

In the a house Where my late father was born was not there Installation From water or electricity Foods It was cooked in containers placed over a blazing fire in the ground, and some of the physiological needs of A. Passinella Or directly in the field.

The energy To perform Domestic and agricultural tasks They come from pets and people, because both are household appliance Such as Kinetic machines Stretches for Farming s Livestock They had been Technological developments That was available to very few people.

Nearly a century later, it was Progress Made it possible for the vast majority of Population Some of ours The conditions of life Significantly more convenient. Well, the pursuit of luxury is a powerful thing The driving force Adapt to the environment and Human evolution, Idea applies to Work environment Recently consistent in thinking, to obtain good stimulation of aspects such as innovation, The dynamism And the performance It is necessary to leave Comfort Zone It enters a space of tension, sacrifice and uncertainty. Go see if it is Twenty first century He would be the one in pajamas and skyscrapers without an elevator.

What is the most favorable environment Professional quality and productivityIs that from satisfaction or discomfort?

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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