Its value exceeds $114 million

Its value exceeds 4 million

The Government of the People’s Republic of China has donated more than 20 photovoltaic parks to Cuba. One of them will be installed in eastern Cuba, according to the government press.

And he announced Cuban News Agency He added that the installation will take place in the municipality of Mayari in Holguin province, “as part of the change in Cuba’s energy matrix, which is 95 percent dependent on fossil fuels.”

according to NBThe project will be constructed in the area known as Sironis, in the Guaro region, and the site will have a generating capacity of five megawatts, through the use of sunlight.

The contribution will represent 40 percent of the electricity needed by the Miari region, and will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases harmful to the ozone layer.

At this time, the project is in the initial stage and the ground conditions and necessary guarantees in carrying out the construction and assembly work are being studied.

The Chinese donation exceeds $114 million and will facilitate the gradual installation of photovoltaic parks in the municipalities of Bañes, Sagua de Tanamo, Rafael Freire, Urbano Norris, Gubara and the provincial capital.

Likewise, the text notes that in that region the use of solar panels in hard-to-reach communities in Baguano and schools in the fourteen municipalities is being promoted through international solidarity networks from countries such as Canada and Luxembourg.

China donates more than 20 photovoltaic parks to Cuba

According to journalist Emilio Rodriguez Pupo, the donation from the Chinese government will benefit 10 Cuban provinces with similar systems, and Holguin will be the province that will receive the largest number of sites.

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“22 photovoltaic stations will be installed thanks to the aforementioned donation, which exceeds $114 million.” progress.

“Thank you to the Chinese for their contribution to our country to improve the difficulties and needs we face”; “An important project for our beloved city, God willing, it will be completed soon and become a reality” and “It must be for lighting the city, as the hydroelectric stations that we have here are for other purposes,” were some of the comments about this project.

Aygen Marsh

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