Jobs in the opening of religious space – ADN

Jobs in the opening of religious space – ADN

(ADN). – The President in Santa Fe participated in the inauguration of the interfaith space for the Grupo Sancor Seguros Foundation.

It is a space in which proposals for meeting, dialogue and reflection are promoted, with the aim of promoting actions that promote peaceful coexistence between people.

Carreras celebrated the initiative, which highlighted “the opportunity to meet, dialogue and listen between references from different religious and political fields. It is necessary to reduce levels of confrontation to search for real solutions to the country’s problems.”

During the meeting, Carreras received Santa Fe Governor Omar Perotti, President and CEO of Sancor Seguros, Alfredo Panela and Alejandro Simon respectively. He also held talks with personalities from various fields such as Prime Minister Juan Manzor. Gogoi governor, Gerardo Morales; a member of the Supreme Court of Justice, Judge Riccardo Lorenzetti; Representatives Margarita Stolbeiser and Mario de Negri; Rabbi Daniel Goldman; Evangelist Reverend Leonardo Schindler; Omar Abboud, representative of Islam and Monsignor Oscar Ogia. In addition to former Neuquén Governor Jorge Sapag.

“We celebrate this initiative of coexistence, harmony and diversity, taking in the global experiences shared by all faiths,” Carreras said.

Pope Francis was also part of the event with a recorded message sent by the Vatican, in which he called for action in a space of harmony, spirituality and unity.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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