Jorge Cálix confirms they have created an unbeatable formula

Jorge Cálix confirms they have created an unbeatable formula

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

An indomitable formula that guarantees a lawyer Jorge Calix He is the one who created the party Freedom and Reestablishment (Free) next to a party Salvador Nasrallah And Doris Gutierrez.

Everyone will support the representatives and mayors of their political party, but we will all vote for them Xomara “Castro de Zelaya for president,” Calix said in the media.

According to the congressman free For the first time, Honduras will have a woman in the presidential office.

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“We have put together an indomitable formula… I can tell you that the days of the National Party are numbered and Honduras He is preparing to elect a woman president for the first time.”

As for the quarrels that occurred in the past between the two political movements, Chalex He emphasized that vanity was left aside, because what is important is the struggle for the good of the country.

“What matters to us is the rebuilding of Honduras, starting with the abolition of the Penal Code, the Zede Act and the hourly labor. “We have a very clear vision,” he concluded.

This is Wednesday SalvadorThe leader of the El Salvador Party of Honduras (PSH) rejected his candidacy to join Xeomara Castro, Lieber’s presidential candidate.

The engineer remains as the first presidential appointee in the Xiomara-led coalition. Doris Gutierrez also joins the position of the third appointed president, signifying the union Innovation and Unity Party (Pinu), while the second appointee is Renato Florentino.

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Aygen Marsh

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