Lack of youth training for science and technology jobs

Lack of youth training for science and technology jobs

was recently revealed.”The state of science in the worldA study carried out by the company Investigation and manufacturing 3M. The research showed that there is a perception that training people in related fields ScienceAnd the Technique, The engineering and the Maths (turning off).

About 92% of respondents in Mexico He said there is a need for more people working in these sectors. However, it is derived from pandemic, two-thirds of people said they were inspired by more than that a study Some Carrera turning off.

In addition to 83% of those previously surveyed a study They reported that there were underrepresented groups that did not have equal opportunities to study Careers turning off. In this sense, the need to encourage more and more children to perform in this type of field was noted.

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3M He noted that to address the major challenges facing society, such as epidemics, The they change climate The need for more training turning offIt takes effort across the border e between sectors for him advanced scientific.

In this regard, 92% of Mexicans said that it is necessary for countries to cooperate for development أجل progress Scientists that respond to current situations and resolve annoying a level my world.

regarding Economie, 89% of Mexicans said it could get better if more people decided to study Careers Related Regions turning off.

They trust science

Just over nine out of 10 people in Mexico (91%) think so Science will make it possible Recovery distance pandemic.

The above information is part of the results of the recent study “Case Science In the ScientistIn this analysis, it was noted that our country is one of the most trusted countries Science, compared to other countries such as France (79%), Germany (82%), South Korea (85%), Japan (89%) and United State (89%).

It should be noted that countries that exceed Mexico In your level of confidence or hope in science Brazilby 92% and ChinaWith a confidence index of 97%.

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The Investigation It also showed that generations Young Express interest in Science “It suggests that cognition can improve as younger generations get older.”

This is due to the fact that 74% in the country Survey He said agree that Population Youth More committed to it now Threads ScientistsCompared to 69% globally.

Also, according to “The state of science in the world‘, about 75% of Mexicans considered it a result of COVID-19, The Scientists and the the doctors They have become an inspiration to new generations.

This ratio is also greater than Rate my worldWhich falls in 62% of respondents who believe that current events push young people to study Careers related to specializations scientific.

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“The Science recovery Importance in our life as a result pandemic. It also brought us a sense of hope that things will get better soon,” said Jose Varela, CEO of 3M Mexico.

Varela, who is also the Senior Vice President of Government and Public Affairs at USA latina At that company, he added, the study “has made it possible to understand and predict the long-term impact of the pandemic on scientific cognition, providing the opportunity, as a society, to take a step forward to meet the challenges we have.”

In this context, 88% of those surveyed in Mexico They thought it would be served consequences Denial To our society if the people No the value to me Science.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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