Launch a campaign to send a flat Earth into space and prove him wrong

Launch a campaign to send a flat Earth into space and prove him wrong

A man from Scotland said he started a certain social media campaign: He wants to send Flat Earth into space and See him Earth is not like that Flat, as they are. Seeks to raise Thousands of dollars To pay you a the passage On future space flights.

Mark Gould, from 37 years old, You think that if you send a agent From this belief, he would later return and convince others that theyError“.” I have a couple of friends who are flat owners Come back to me crazy Differentiated What they say The Daily Record.

He also said: “I am by no means a scientist, but I read a lot about space, I watch documentaries … I have great respect by The scientific community. These guys (NR: their friends) and the rest of the Flat Earthers members are totally in my opinion Lack of respect And they say they lie (N. of the R .: the Scientists), quite thing incorrect”.

Flat earth.  A controversial belief that the scientific community has denied.  Illustrative image.

Flat earth. A controversial belief that the scientific community has denied. Illustrative image.

Gould confirmed that he wanted to be raised 250,000 pounds sterling ($ 340,000 US Dollars Approx) by page Crowdfunding For Pay for Ultimate space cruise.

“I have decided to Give them a chance from what Test your theory The only way to do this is to send a flat Earth into space Of the most recognizedHe said to the same medium.

The Scotsman said he expects the money to come in part from the Flatlanders themselves. So far, I hardly collected 150 GBP. “The lucky flatland owner will be chosen To frustrate For the rest of you. Please join this as it is at Flag name And he warned that “this in the end will undermine or prove the flat-earth theory, and we can finish that.”

See also  He traveled into space, to the poles and descended into the Mariana Trench

“I called the teams of Elon Musk (NR: Founder of SpaceX) and Richard Branson (N. of the R .: founder of Virgin Atlantic, the airline that plans to take tourists into space) to try to get a Support for About. I am waiting for an answer. ” The Daily Record.

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Izer Hector

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