lava river –

lava river –

New images from space of La Palma volcano, in the Canary Islands, erupting and creating a spectacular river of lava flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, were released this weekend, showing the impact and its unstoppable journey. According to the Canary Islands Volcanic Institute (Involcan), the solid lava has created a new peninsula the size of 25 football fields.

In images taken by Maxar Technologies this Thursday, the 30th, you can see the lava scar on the western flanks of La Palma, one of the islands of the Spanish-ruled archipelago, off the northwest coast of Africa, glowing brightly overnight. .

New photos of La Palma volcano and lava river from space

Images of La Palma volcano clearly reveal the area on the left where a lava flow flows into the Atlantic Ocean at isolated Playa Nueva near the town of Tazacorte.

For their part, American astronauts Oleg Novitsky and Pyotr Dubrov on the International Space Station photographed the volcanic eruption from orbit and Share the photos on Twitter One day after their arrest on Wednesday (September 29).

The image (main image), shared by Novitsky on Thursday (September 30), shows a glowing river of lava largely dwarfing the urban network of lights as the island and surrounding ocean hide in darkness.

The European Union’s Copernicus Earth Observation Program also shared new images of the eruption, indicating that more than 1,000 homes have been buried in a boiling lava stream since the eruption began on September 19.

New photos of La Palma volcano and lava river from space

So far, lava has buried 3.6 square kilometers of land, and the eruption shows no signs of stopping. In fact, it is expected to last for several weeks and even months.

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A series of 3.5-magnitude light earthquakes shook the island on Friday, October 1, opening a new fault, spewing lava 400 meters north of Cumbre Vega’s original crater.

The eruption, the first in Cumbre Vega since 1971, was preceded by more than 20,000 mild earthquakes in the week before the first fissure opened.

To find out what a volcano is and why it erupts, click here.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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