Leroy Merlin Empowers 10,000 in Data Science

Leroy Merlin Empowers 10,000 in Data Science

Leroy Merlin, one of Brazil’s largest retail chains, has hired Fabwork, a Paraiba startup personal training company, to teach data science to its nearly 10,000 employees by the end of 2022.

According to the company, the decision was made due to the growth of data science after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, which would have generated greater awareness about the role of data and technology in companies.

The project started at the end of 2020, with training of varying degrees of depth on this topic, and so far, it has trained about 500 specialists.

Available modules include Mindset Data, Business Data, Operational Data, Data Science for Non-Programmers, and Data Elite.

With this said, the expectation of the company is to bring data culture to all levels of the organization. The goal is to make these people more strategic, to make the right decisions by evaluating the available data and information.

“We, mainly in stores, have a lot of programs and we want to train our employees to change their daily mindset, define programs, create schedules. Thus, creating development and training for new professionals to work in the area, which requires an increasingly qualified workforce,” explains Leo Carvalho, Head of Digital Education at Leroy Merlin.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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