Magali Medina to the tears of Tula Rodriguez when Javier Carmona remembers: “A novel that developed very well” Gisela Valcarcelle web eye farandula | Eye view

Magali Medina to the tears of Tula Rodriguez when Javier Carmona remembers: “A novel that developed very well” Gisela Valcarcelle web eye farandula |  Eye view

Nothing was silent and he decided to comment on his latest remarks In “En boca de Todos”, where she couldn’t shed some tears when she remembered her relationship with her husband

“Of course this kind of program helps and sells this kind of novel. So, they like to remind Tula Rodriguez of the story she had with Carmona (…) There is always the whine and telenovela that mixes Mexican and Turkish that always develops very well,” The driver began to say.

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The popular ‘Urraca’ also mentioned that all those ‘nostalgic moment’ are in America TV It was planned before production.

“You were completely ready, didn’t you see the pictures? The little song? That was already decided the day before, and everything was well prepared,” Expression.

“That flick that I got, when she gave and danced with her channel’s commercial director … this guy, there were little details that were always clear, which is that this man was married to Gisela Valcarsil” End by saying.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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