Mega events in Punta Arenas under the direction of Seremi de Salud

Mega events in Punta Arenas under the direction of Seremi de Salud

Prominent national band Illapu has brought back live concerts that had been suspended for two years due to the health emergency caused by Covid-19.

In this context, the health authority performs a control function.

“To be able to ensure that it occurs in the context of security and appropriate precautions to avoid the risk of infection (…) we want to be present to give peace of mind and security to all the people who attend that all regulations have been complied with”, said Health Minister Francesca Sanfuentes.

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Despite the decrease in coronavirus infections, we are still in a pandemic situation and preventive measures must continue.

In this sense, Lojanzo Marosic of Lojan Producciones noted that “we fully comply with all the protocols that have been explained to us. We are very pleased with the behavior of the people, because they respect and the presence of authority makes them see it as a safe event.”

In continuation of the concerts, it is worth noting that the band will perform on May 8 on Mother’s Day the night.

Punta Arenas is currently in the low health impact phase of the “Keep Looking after Ourselves” plan. step by step ”, which allows to realize the phenomenal events.

Watch the full news here:

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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