Mensa: Health promotion has been a key factor during the pandemic

Mensa: Health promotion has been a key factor during the pandemic

Gabriela García de Salazar, Gabriela García de Salazar, said that Monday, July 5, the Ministry of Health celebrates “Health Promotion Week” with the aim of urging the population to make use of the public health service network and thus promote healthy lifestyles and environments. National Director of Health Promotion.

Every year, the health authority celebrates “Health Promotion Week” in the second week of July, an initiative launched by Resolution No. 230 of February 28, 2020.

Regarding the promotional measures implemented during the pandemic, Dr. García de Salazar noted that “from day one we have worked in 15 regions through health promoters and educators on the tracing strategy by providing educational kits and materials with recommendations for Covid-19, in organizing campaigns Such as “Get your Mask” and “MA-PA” and incorporating other elements that help reduce the spread of the virus.”

“The Ministry of Health has proposed the development and promotion of health promotion from a social and innovative perspective, in which the determinants of biological, ecological, economic, social, cultural, political and health services are preferred; in addition to the factors that establish health care in the individual, family, institutional and societal framework of our country.”

Dr. García de Salazar emphasized that “community organization, everyone’s participation, cooperation and teamwork is important for having good healthy lifestyles and a key to also helping us out of the pandemic.”

García de Salazar specified that the “Health Promotion Week” targets the entire population in general without distinction of age for all Panamanians and foreigners, through all available means and seeks to highlight the role that the Promotion Directorate must emphasize that the thing must be health, Where the community has important participation.

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The Health Promotion Directorate conducts daily various campaigns parallel to those of Covid-19 that seek to attract attention and educate people, such as those who smoke, promotion of smoking cessation clinics, those that avoid dengue, HIV, prostate and breast cancer campaigns, And obesity among other things detailed.

Finally, García de Salazar praised the work of all health promoters and educators during the pandemic as they directed the population to adopt the prevention measures that they must maintain to contain Covid-19.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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