Messi had a post on Bara, he started Juventus in the Joan Camper Trophy controversy | Football | Sports

Messi had a post on Bara, he started Juventus in the Joan Camper Trophy controversy |  Football |  Sports

The presence of Argentina 10 would have been a battle with Cristiano Ronaldo.


Juventus (3-0) and FC Barcelona will end up in the shadow of Leo Messi in the first Jon Camper Trophy without Argentina.

As the ball rolled, Barசாa’s first goal came in the first Barசாa attack. In the 3rd minute, the Dutchman took advantage of a triangle between Pride White, Demir and Memphis DeBay to break only the defense and score wisely, handing Skesney.

After the cool goal everything seemed happy, with the fans finally back in the stadium, very cell phone, vertically wasted, cheering every good deed of their players who want to like.

To the delight of the hosts, Test was encouraged from outside the area in the 7th minute, but his shot did not find the sticks of the Italian frame.

The joy was soon forgotten when Leo Messi’s name was spelled out in the 10th minute to pay tribute to Argentina’s number of whistles that beat Pajanic and Umtiti in the presentation.

Juventus used depression to stretch the ball and knit several long possessions. Cristiano Ronaldo tried to crown his team’s progress with a shot from an angle in the quarter hour of the game.

Barசாa’s poor position was seen in slow defensive changes, but Morata’s small skill prevented the two disadvantages from going further. Or Griezmann was not right in 20th place because the Frenchman’s offside position during the kick invalidated Demir’s next goal, which pushed the rebound.

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The young Austrian scored again in the 29th minute, thanks to a brilliant individual play that culminated in a low and dry shot that was chased by Skesny’s left-footed shot.

The Polish goalkeeper was saved from conceding second place in 37th place due to a refereeing error. The aide pointed to a non-existent offside to Frightwhite and broke Greissman’s illusions of being able to beat the Transbalpine door.

If Juventus were saved, a minute later, Barzo would have been saved at the insane end of the first half, when Neto was able to thwart two clear attempts from that area, one on de Lict and the other on Morata.

The Spaniard was able to build again two minutes before half-time and again ran towards the Parsa goalkeeper, who denied the goal at the end of a superb Corel counter-attack as he made Ronaldo’s free kick in the 45th minute.

The second half was born of the cold, the carousel of changes at Juventus, which returned to test the newly-incorporated Sisa Neto in the 50s, growing after his good interventions in the first act.

Turin put Barcelona in trouble for several minutes, especially in quick starts and corner kicks, always ending against Barசாa defense.

Paradoxically, Barna doubled their advantage from a corner kick in the 57th minute. Braitwhaite, with all hope, sent a Memphis Center with a strong headline on the web.

When it was game time, Koman made his debut for Emerson and moved the bench and entered and persuaded Nico Gonzalez and Umtidi, while Allegri completely replaced Eleven.

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Stopping the changes was good for the Catalans, determined to regain control, while at the same time calming the spirits of the Italian team.

Griezmann took on a leading role and sought to involve both tense youngsters and newcomer Emerson in his early stages as a Barசாa player.

The other Barசாa winger, Memphis DiBe, had another good chance in the 78th minute to block the ball from consecutive rebounds from the penalty spot. Forced, the toy struck.

When the game was dead and Messi was echoing the new songs, Riqui Puig finished the third goal from the edge of the area for Camper in the last play. (D)

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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