More public places: The fee for spas that dismantled tents will be reduced

More public places: The fee for spas that dismantled tents will be reduced

During last December, Franchise owners in various Mar del Plata resorts have dismantled a large number of tents and umbrellasAfter an agreement with the municipality to Liberation of more than 15,000 square meters of public beach area To ensure social distancing in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic.

This measure was part of an agreement between the municipality of General Poiridon and the Chamber of Spas, Restaurants and Related (Zebra) with the aim of: 900 shading spaces were removed in the various tourism unitsMayor assured Guillermo Montenegro.

The agreement was signed by the Municipal Tourism Authority (IMTOR) and concessionaires gathered in the room for the tourist units located in the regions of La Perla, Torreon del Monge, Playa Varese and Playa Grande. “This is an agreement signed between Emtur and Cebra, which relates to shadow transfer. What does this mean? Give tents, 900 shaded places, more than 15,000 square meters of beach, mainly in Playa Grande and La Perla, two of the places where we badly need space for people.Montenegro confirmed, at the time of the start of the agreement with spa franchisees.

In this sense, the mayor added:This is very important, in the context of spacing and clarifying that it is essential for protocol compliance. We are living in a pandemic season and this makes us in Mar del Plata rethink many things. “

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During discussion, speaking, listening and dialogue, we came to a conclusion that we had not seen before: the sale of tents in the summer. We understand that it is unusual, but with the gastronomy, we work in a different way than usual, using public spaces, the outdoors, and watching the tables, ”the mayor said.

This has to do with the defense of jobsThe importance of retaining these jobs lies in the unfavorable unemployment numbers that we have. That’s why we worked a lot with gastronomy together, with different areas of our government, but also with business sectors and workers’ representatives. So, there are fewer tents now. Not that there are fewer workers in those placesIt is a complicated moment for our city. That’s why you need to understand this Health + Work. The community leader said, “You have to see the importance of taking care of protocols of distancing, cooperating in solidarity and thinking that everything that happens in the health or health field will have an impact on jobs.”

In the last hours, the local executive authority raised the agreement signed with the spa room for consideration by the deliberating board with the aim of now being approved by the council members. “The aforementioned agreement was created with the aim of providing more sandy areas for public use in the various financial tourism units in the city in order to encourage compliance with the so-called mandatory preventive social distancing that has been established as a result of the current epidemic., It is indicated in the file that Marplatense He has access.

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In turn, it was observed that “The procedures stipulated in the aforementioned agreement specify the commitment of the franchisors to reduce the number of shading units permitted in both the documents and the conditions of the bid in order to obtain a larger sandy area for public use by residents and tourists. To visit us in the current summer season, as prevention of Coronavirus infection is Administrative priority“.

In one of the clauses, it is proved that “For the purposes of determining the annual fees for the 2021 season, a direct relationship will be considered between the proposed percentage reduction of the fixed shade authorized by each sheet, and to the same extent transferred to the corresponding fee amount. Pay if the mentioned discount is not made“.

“For the effective application of this feature, the number of shade units that have been effectively installed and the surface of the absolute sand for general use will be verified. This commitment will be applicable and enforceable to subscribers exclusively for the 2020/2021 season developmentHe stands outside.

In this context, the Municipal Cabinet Coordinator said, Alexander Rabinovich“We fell,” he said An unprecedented deal in Mar del Plata Until about 900 tents are removed, which represents 15,000 meters less shade, more public space and more space to take care of the health and work of Mar del Plata residents. “

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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