#NaStreetPeloFuturodaCultura occupies a public space on the Internet

#NaStreetPeloFuturodaCultura occupies a public space on the Internet

Between facebook, instagram or twitter, there are thousands of posts with the most diverse messages to participate in the online national protest #NaStreetPeloFuturoDaCultura. We have compiled some examples here.

Jan 30, 2021 – 19:10

Thousands of posts participating in the online protest #NaStreetPeloFuturoDaCultura. Facebook photo of the Platia Association.

The joint initiative of a number of organizations and associations in the sector was celebrated on January 7, in protest against social support “above the poverty line”, for structural responses to restrictions on cultural activity, and a commitment to pay 100% of all canceled activities. .

The development of the pandemic crisis, initially conceived as a street initiative, forced a new form. If it was not possible to meet in the street to protest, then they occupied the public space on the Internet. We have compiled some of the posts here.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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