New space for the municipal educational library “Rosarito Vera Peñaloza” »Municipality of Córdoba

New space for the municipal educational library “Rosarito Vera Peñaloza” »Municipality of Córdoba
  • In keeping with the importance that this administration attached to reading and writing and dropping the Literacy + Municipal Plan, the Municipal Pedagogical Library “Rosarito Vera Peñaloza” was moved to a new physical space, (Avenida Colón 5244).
  • It should be noted that in 2021 the library joined the regional network of educational libraries, thus joining the system of regional and national libraries.

During 2021, more than 600 books in literature, sciences, arts, education and English were added to the library, as well as computers: 23 notebooks, 8 robots, 8 tablets, 1 laser printer.

The Ministry of Education has taken the decision to move the library and create better building conditions for its display. From the library, technical assistance and advice are implemented for school libraries, activities are organized to encourage reading and film library, film workshops in schools and parks, a series of school documentaries, training of mediators teachers, spaces for connecting and artistic work, among many other activities that are being developed It is already planned for 2022. All this will allow the library to be seen as a resource center for learning

“We are very happy with this new place and with all the activities we have planned to enhance the dynamics of the municipality’s educational system. Ten years of history and all recognition of an innovative and specialized library like ours is reinforced by the design and implementation of a reading and writing plan.”, said the librarian reference, librarian Isabel Peña.

“On the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the library, there have been many new developments in its dynamics, which highlight the importance of the institution transforming itself into a resource center for teaching and learning, accompanying the steps of the municipal education system”said Director of Learning and Professional Development, Alicia Olmos.

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Finally, the Minister of Education, Horacio Ferreira, stated it In this way, in 2022 we will condense the actions proposed in the “Read and Write + Plan”, as well as implement them in all municipal parks and schools, including educational parks. Because we are convinced that reading opens the world and allows us to learn in our city of Córdoba, which is improving day by day as Mayor Martín Larriora asserts. The library is preparing to open its doors to the city’s teaching professionals to foster the formation of a community of readers and writers, giving wings to the capital’s education.”

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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